History (HIST)

HIST 5678     Middle Eastern Diasporas     3 Credit Hours

This course explores the diasporas of Arabs, Turks, Assyrians, and Iranians living in Europe and the Americas that have occurred since the 1880s. It pays careful attention to how "aspects of diaspora" shape, mimic, transect, and undermine the political and economic regimes of which they are part. The reception of Middle Eastern communities in different national contexts and historical periods receive special attention as do their adaptive strategies as religious, ethnic, gendered, and racialized minorities. Those enrolled in the graduate level of the course pursue additional readings and assignments.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

HIST 599     Advanced Ind Studies in Hist     1 to 4 Credit Hours

Readings and analytical writing in history, in accordance with the interests of the student and approval of the instructor. Students must submit a written proposal of study for approval. This course is distinguished from its 400 level counterpart by the requirement of additional readings and research. (F, W).

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

*An asterisk denotes that a course may be taken concurrently.

Frequency of Offering

The following abbreviations are used to denote the frequency of offering: (F) fall term; (W) winter term; (S) summer term; (F, W) fall and winter terms; (YR) once a year; (AY) alternating years; (OC) offered occasionally