Satisfactory Academic Progress

Satisfactory Academic Progress policy

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) describes a student’s successful completion of coursework toward a degree. SAP is monitored at the end of each semester (Fall, Winter, Summer). To maintain SAP, a student must:

  • Undergraduates must successfully complete a minimum percent of attempted courses.
  • Undergraduates must achieve a required 2.0 cumulative grade point average or higher, if required by your academic unit.
  • Students must complete academic program within 150% of published length of program. For transfer students:  The number of transfer hours accepted at the point of admission are used to calculate a student’s remaining eligibility under the 150% standard and will be included in the quantitative calculation which includes the number of credits attempted and completed.
  • For second-degree undergraduate students: These students are eligible to receive only loan funds within the program aggregate. Second-degree students are given 150% of stated credit hours required for the second degree program.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards

Students who receive financial aid must demonstrate SAP as determined by the University of Michigan-Dearborn in accordance with federal regulations. Financial aid recipients are required to be in good academic standing and to maintain SAP toward their degree requirements for each semester in which they are enrolled. SAP is required to maintain eligibility for financial aid. The requirements for financial aid may be different than those required by one’s academic unit. The standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress measure a student’s academic progress using both qualitative and quantitative measurements. These measurements include a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) requirement, a Cumulative Completion Rate requirement, and a Maximum Timeframe requirement. In addition, certain types of courses are limited or excluded from eligibility. The standards apply to all federal financial aid programs and programs funded and administered by the University of Michigan-Dearborn Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships and include degree, certificate, and consortium guest students who receive financial aid. SAP is evaluated at the end of each term (Fall, Winter, and Summer). Federal regulations require the University of Michigan-Dearborn to evaluate all students for SAP regardless of whether or not they receive financial aid. SAP is evaluated based on the student’s cumulative academic record, from the date of entry to the university.

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) The qualitative measurement assesses the student’s Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).

  • Undergraduate Students: The minimum CGPA requirement is a 2.00 or higher, if required by your academic unit.

Completion Rate The quantitative measure assesses the pace at which a student progresses towards a degree. To ensure progress, students are required to complete a minimum percentage of all attempted courses (please see below for details). Attempted courses are those for which a student is enrolled at the conclusion of the Add/Drop period for a semester (those that appear on the academic transcript).

Students who fulfill this minimum rate of course completion and follow departmental recommendations on course selection should complete their degree within the Maximum Timeframe.

Attempted Credit Hours/Status    Required Completion %
1 – 30 Hours                                 55%
31 – 60                                          62%
61 and above                                67%

Maximum Timeframe (MTF) Federal regulations require that a student must complete their educational program within a Maximum Timeframe (MTF) no longer than 150% of the published length of the educational program measured in academic years, terms or credit hours attempted.

Up to 30 required remedial credits will be added onto the program length when determining compliance with the 150% of program length completion requirement.

Transfer Credits Courses that are transferred from another institution and accepted toward an academic degree program at the University (at the time of SAP review) count as attempted and completed hours for Completion Rate and Maximum Timeframe (MTF). The CGPA is determined only with courses taken in residence at the University.

Grades, enrollment/withdrawal and repeated classes

GRADES: Only courses for which a student receives a grade of A, B, C, D, or P are acceptable. A grade of E, UE, F, ED, W, NR, or X is not acceptable. Students who fail to complete at least 67% of attempted credit hours because of incomplete grades or who withdraw from all classes will be placed on probation for one semester.  If they still fail to meet the 67% completion rate, their financial aid will be terminated. A student may receive financial assistance for a course that was repeated and for which a non-passing grade was received.

REPEATED CLASSES:  Students who receive a passing grade may repeat that class once and have that enrollment considered for financial aid. (Repeating classes that do not result in additional hours earned will not improve completion rate.)

TERMS WITH FAILING GRADES:  Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships will be verifying attendance during a term in which all grades received are unacceptable (as defined above). Failure to verify attendance in each class will result in cancellation of all aid for the term.

NOTE:  For more information regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress- how it impacts your financial aid and options for regaining eligibility: see the complete policy on our webpage.