Educ C-Psychological Foundatns (EDC)
EDC 500 The Human Learner 2 Credit Hours
The growth and development of the human learner is studied, with stress upon teaching and learning from preschool through adulthood. Consideration will be given to theories of learning, development, and motivation, with the goal of identifying the implications of theory for educational practice.
Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate Cert only or Graduate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services
EDC 501 Intro to Learning Disabilities 3 Credit Hours
Overview of characteristics, identification, service delivery models, and issues pertaining to persons from preschool to adulthood with learning disabilities. Required course for Special Education-Learning Disabilities Certification.
Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate Cert only or Graduate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services
EDC 502 Adol Devl & Classroom Mgmt 3 Credit Hours
An examination of the current theories and research findings concerning the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development during the early and late adolescent years. Theory will be related to educational and parenting practices. Course includes significant material addressing classroom management of the middle school and high school classroom using simulations, case studies and videos of actual classrooms.
Corequisite(s): EDC 504
Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate Cert only or Graduate
EDC 503 LD Practicum K-12 1 Credit Hour
The K-12 LD Practica will provide beginning students with initial exposure to the practical aspects of teaching LD students in a variety of general and special education settings. Students will be required to observe and actively participate in instructional planning, teaching, managing, and monitoring LD students in K-12 settings. Students will also observe a variety of service delivery models including the resource room, inclusive settings, and tutorial situations. Graduate standing or permission of the instructor; concurrent enrollment in C501.
Corequisite(s): EDC 501
EDC 504 Pract Adol Devl&Clsrm Mgmt 1 Credit Hour
A supervised field experience related to adolescent development and classroon management in grades 6-12. Requires a minimum of 45 clock hours of observation and work spread over a semester in a school setting. Must be taken with EDC 502. For undergraduate credit elect EDC 304.
Prerequisite(s): Infect Disease/Blood Born Path with a score of 1 and Criminal Background Check with a score of 1 and Video Recording Consent with a score of 1
Corequisite(s): EDC 502
Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate Cert only or Graduate
EDC 505 Learning Theories and Practices 3 Credit Hours
This course explores the foundational principles, theories, and research that inform effective teaching and learning in a variety of educational settings. The course aims to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of various learning theories and their practical application in diverse contexts. Students will critically examine the theoretical underpinnings of learning and explore evidence-based instructional strategies to enhance learning outcomes.
Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate Cert only or Graduate
EDC 506 Applied Behavior Analysis I: Principles of Behavior 3 Credit Hours
This course seeks to develop students’ competence in the use of technical terminology pertaining to the concepts and principles of behavior analysis. The course, the first in a two-course sequence in applied behavior analysis (ABA), focuses on the fundamental principles, processes, and concepts in the field. These principles, processes, and concepts serve as the foundation of practice. Topics include: the definition and characteristics of ABA, basic elements in a scientific analysis of behavior, principles and tactics for analyzing and changing behavior, and fundamental elements and key terms that are essential to understanding the relationship between behavior and its environment. (F).
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 507 Applied Behavior Analysis II: Behavior Change Procedures 3 Credit Hours
This course seeks to develop competence in the application of the principles of behavior and multiple areas of investigation and practice. This is the second in a two-course sequence in applied behavior analysis (ABA) that focuses on the application of the fundamental principles, processes, and concepts of the field that were covered in Applied Behavior Analysis I. Through discussion, demonstration, and analysis, students will learn about specific behavior change procedures based upon the principles of ABA and the process for selecting and implementing those procedures. Attention is paid to the implications of individual needs, perspectives, and differences on intervention planning. Concurrent enrollment in Applied Behavior Analysis II Practicum is required. (W).
Prerequisite(s): EDC 506
Corequisite(s): EDFP 507
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 508 Intro to Dvlpmntl Disabilities 3 Credit Hours
Full Title: Introduction to Developmental Disibilities This course will provide an overview of the issues related to individuals with developmental disabilities. Topics include the history, public policy issues, familial issues within the context of socio-cultural issues, and the role of families in the provision of services across the lifespan. Students will be exposed to the range of assessment practices for developmental disabilities and criteria for diagnosis. Other topics include educational and behavioral interventions, person centered planning/family centered support, post-school and adult issues, physical and mental health issues, services and supports to improve quality of life, controversial therapies, and ethical issues. (YR)
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 511 Dev Peer/Social Relationships 2 Credit Hours
Students will examine the processes of peer relations and socio-emotional development from birth to adolescence. Topics to be covered in this course include attachment, peer popularity and intimacy. As well, students will discuss the importance of the family on social development. Classroom environment and peers as educators will also be covered. (OC)
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 512 Soc Devl & Pos Guidnce Techn 3 Credit Hours
This course will examine the process of social and emotional development in childhood through adolescence. Positive strategies to promote and guide this development in the classroom will be explored using behaviorist and constructivist frameworks. Topics will include character education, discipline models, conflict resolution and family collaboration. Guiding the development of emotional regulation, perspective taking and peer relationships in children including children with special needs will be investigated.
Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate Cert only or Post-baccalaureate NCFD or Graduate
EDC 514 Early Child Ed Special Needs 3 Credit Hours
Focuses on the psychological and educational needs of the young child with special needs. Discusses identification techniques and educational strategies for teaching in a regular early childhood classroom with young children having special needs. Special emphasis will be placed on behavioral, linguistic, and intellectual needs. Suitable for classroom teachers, child care directors, and teachers in training.
Prerequisite(s): EDC 540 or (EDC 340 or EDC 240)
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 516 Research Methods in Applied Behavior Analysis 3 Credit Hours
This course seeks to develop competence in measurement of behavior, data collection analysis and graphic representation, experimental design with particular emphasis on single subject design, and applicable statistical procedures. This course addresses the research methodology used in applied behavior analysis (ABA), focusing on measurement, data display, interpretation of data, and experimental design. How to measure behavior, how to graph data, and how to interpret graphed data are of particular importance in applied behavior analysis as it serves as the foundation for the development, implementation, and evaluation of programming. In addition, the range of single-subject design methodology is addressed, including reversal, alternating treatment, multiple-baseline, multi-element, and changing criterion designs. Concurrent enrollment in Research Methods in Applied Behavior Analysis Practicum is required. (S).
Prerequisite(s): EDC 506 and EDC 507
Corequisite(s): EDFP 516
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 517 Mgmt of Classroom Behavior 3 Credit Hours
Provides intervention and management techniques for teachers and teacher candidates using principles of behavior modification. Includes examination of theoretical foundations, research and field reports, participation in self-management projects, and consideration of various applications in regular and special classrooms. Field experience is optional. Will focus on classroom management in early childhood and elementary environments, allowing a more focused examination of topics and case studies geared to those grade levels.
Prerequisite(s): EDC 300
Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate Cert only or Graduate
EDC 520 Hum Sexuality:Psyc-Ed Concepts 2 Credit Hours
The course is intended to acquaint elementary and secondary teachers with the elements that comprise sexuality as it relates to their lives and those of their students. Although a basic core of information is to be covered, the content of each class will provide for the needs and interests of the teachers. Teachers will be directly involved in identifying problems and the development and collection of strategies for problem resolution. Teachers who complete this program will meet the state requirements for certification in sex education/reproductive health.
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 522 MAT Adolescent Development & Classroom Management 3 Credit Hours
An examination of the current theories and research findings concerning the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development during the early and late adolescent years. Theory will be related to educational and parenting practices. Course includes significant material addressing classroom management of the middle school and high school classroom using simulations, case studies and videos of actual classrooms.
Prerequisite(s): Infect Disease/Blood Born Path with a score of 1 and Criminal Background Check with a score of 1 and Video Recording Consent with a score of 1
EDC 525 Treat Plan/Eth Prof Cond ABA 3 Credit Hours
Full Title: Treatment Planning/Ethical and Professional Conduct in Applied Behavior Analysis. This course provides a comprehensive approach to treatment planning in Applied Behavior Analysis. The course addresses application of the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis to intervention, assessment, implementation, evaluation, program continuation/maintenance, and data-based clinical decision making. Central to treatment are the ethical responsibilities for Applied Behavior Analysts. The Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts, as put forth by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board is addressed. Throughout the course, the behavior analytic literature is used as the basis for all coursework, discussion, and evaluation. (YR)
Prerequisite(s): EDC 506
EDC 531 Constructivist Education 3 Credit Hours
An examination of constructivist theory and its application to educational practices. The nature and stages from birth through adolescence of cognitive and social development from the constructivist viewpoints of Piaget, Vygotsky, and others will be discussed. A major focus will be the application of constructivist theory to educational goals, teaching strategies and curriculum.
Prerequisite(s): (EDC 340 or EDC 240)
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 539 Child Maltreatment and Trauma 3 Credit Hours
This course will examine adverse childhood experiences, including the impact of physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, and other forms of psychological trauma. Particular emphasis will be placed on the role of trauma informed professionals to identify, assess, and support the needs children, youth, and families impacted by trauma and child maltreatment. This course will explore various levels of prevention, intervention, and collaborative response to suspected cases of child maltreatment by multi-disciplinary teams, including investigation and treatment. (F, W, S).
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Cannot enroll if Level is
EDC 540 Advanced Child Development 3 Credit Hours
An advanced study of the development of the child from conception through adolescence. Research on physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development will be explored and analyzed. Current applications of knowledge in this field will be examined as well as new innovations in both research and practice.
Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate Cert only or Graduate
EDC 541 The Child: Birth to Three 2 to 3 Credit Hours
An examination of current theories and findings concerning the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of the young child from prenatal to three years of age. Topics include fetus maturation, capabilities of the newborn, language, cognition, and environmental influences on development. Theory will be related to infant care practices in the home and in early childhood centers.
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 542 EC:Fam/Sch/Com Collab Mult Soc 3 Credit Hours
FULL COURSE TITLE: Early Childhood: Family School Community Collaboration in a Multicutural Society. Focuses on factors which influence the building of partnerships among early childhood professionals, families and communities. Includes understanding and working with culturally and linguistically diverse families. Various communication and problem-solving strategies which promote family involvement and community outreach are practiced through discussion and role play.
Prerequisite(s): (EDC 340 or EDC 240)
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 543 Family/School/Community Collab 2 Credit Hours
Characteristics, roles, and functions of contemporary families are described. Various communication and training strategies designed to promote collaboration and teamwork within and between the school staff, the families, and community are described and practiced through discussion, problem-solving activities, and role playing. Family effectiveness assessment instruments and strategies are also described and practiced.
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 545 Develop Assess of Young Child 3 Credit Hours
Survey and demonstrations of formal and informal measures to assess young children's physical, social, intellectual, and emotional development. Instruction in some techniques appropriate for use by classroom teachers, childcare directors, health care professionals, and others who are interested in assessing the development of children aged birth to nine years. Students cannot receive credit for both EDC 545 and EDC 445. (YR).
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 546 Cog/Memory Dev in Children 3 Credit Hours
Examines the theories and recent research on the development of cognition and memory. Selected topics include: perception, language, representation, social cognition and problem solving. Educational implications and strategies for developing children's thinking and memory are explored.
Prerequisite(s): EDC 340 or EDC 540
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 554 Formal & Informal Testing&Eval 2 to 3 Credit Hours
In this course students will develop their knowledge and skills in traditional and non-traditional methods for evaluating classroom learning, performance technology and training. Students will learn how to construct evaluations, tests, analyze evaluation results, conduct program evaluation and educational assessment in relation to performance technology, training and teaching and learning.
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 555 Assessment for Second Language Learning PreK-12 3 Credit Hours
In this course students will learn to identify, assess, and place second language learners/multilingual learners for appropriate instruction and instructional programs. Students will review, evaluate, and implement a variety of assessments and strategies intended for use with limited English proficient students, PreK-12. Students will also examine the impact and issues regarding high-stakes assessments on English language learners. Official admission to and good standing in the teacher certification program is required. (W).
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 556 Learning & Classrm Assessment 3 Credit Hours
In this course students will examine the relationship between curriculum, instruction and assessment. Students will review different forms of assessment and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each format. Students gain experience in 1) selection of assessment formats based on curricular focus and student developmental levels; 2) development of assessments; and 3) decision-making based on the results of the assessments.
Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate Cert only or Post-baccalaureate NCFD or Graduate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services or Arts, Sciences, and Letters
EDC 560 Rdg:Diag/Assessment Tech K-12 3 Credit Hours
Overview of K-12 reading diagnostic and assessment techniques. Review of state-mandated tests. Use of criterion referenced tests, norm-referenced tests, and informal inventories to develop individual reading profile. Results of diagnostic instruments will be interpreted to suggest appropriate instructional strategies. (YR).
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 561 Educating the Exceptional Chld 3 Credit Hours
Characteristics, identification, assessment and instruction of students with exceptionalities are addressed. Includes students with learning disabilities, behavior disorders, emotional impairment, mild mental retardation, communicative disorders, visual and hearing impairments, orthopedic impairments, giftedness, and chronic medical conditions. Service delivery models, general assessment procedures, and curricular and instructional adaptations that help integrate students with exceptionalities into the general education classroom will also be addressed.
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 580 Behavioral Assessment 3 Credit Hours
This course will focus on Functional Behavior Assessment, a process used in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) that uses a variety of techniques and strategies to gather information that allow practitioners to identify the function, or purpose, of behavior. Essential elements of the Functional Behavior Assessment/Functional Analysis process will be addressed with emphasis on the interrelationship between assessment results and the development of interventions based upon the principles of ABA. (YR)
EDC 590 Literacy Instruction & Assessment for English Learners/Multilingual Learners 3 Credit Hours
This course provides an in-depth examination of research-based literacy instruction and assessment strategies for English Learners (ELs) and Multilingual Learners (MLs) in PK-12 settings. Educators will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively teach academic literacy to these diverse student groups, with a focus on fostering proficiency in reading and writing. (YR).
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Cannot enroll if Level is
EDC 603 Mntl Hlth in Med, Hu Srv, Lrn 3 Credit Hours
Full Title: Mental Health Issues in Medical, Human Services, & Learning Environments. This course surveys mental health across the lifespan and the manifestation of mental health issues in medical, human services, and educational environments. Included are developmental factors, diagnostic issues, theoretical formulations, etiology, commonly used evidence-based treatments, and research findings related to the range of mental health issues. Issues related to classification systems, diagnosis, and institutional responses to mental health issues within the context of medical, human services, and learning environments are also addressed. Medical, legal, educational, and social-emotional issues related to mental health and the treatment of people living with mental health issues are addressed. Other issues such as comorbidty, cultural influences on the expression of mental health, and psychological factors related to physical conditions will also be considered. (OC)
EDC 604 Adverse Childhood Experiences 3 Credit Hours
Full Course Title: Adverse Childhood Experiences Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are stressful, traumatic events, )e.g., physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, neglect, multiple foster care placements, exposure to community violence, or significant family dysfunction (e.g., exposure to domestic violence, inconsistent caregiving due to mental illness or substance abuse)), that have cognitive, affective, behavioral, and physiological impact across the lifespan. This course will examine the ACEs, their impact on one's overall functioning, and the implications for one's physical health, academic performance, and social-emotional functioning. Strategies and tools for interacting and communicating with individuals with ACEs are addressed, along with treatment modalities, ACE prevention strategies, and educational, clinical, and community resources. (OC)
EDC 616 Needs Assessment 3 Credit Hours
Full Title: Needs Assessment Evaluation Capstone This course is designed to provide students with the theoretical and practical knowledge to design, complete and report a needs assessment evaluation for an organization. A culminating assignment requires the students to integrate the knowledge and skills they have developed over the course of their graduate studies in a capstone project. (YR)
EDC 620 Survey Research and Design 3 Credit Hours
This course provides an advanced focus on the theories, methods, and procedures for conducting survey research in education. Topics explored include advanced design of survey instruments, interview and focus group protocols, planning and budgeting survey research, and survey data analysis techniques. Sampling and mixed method design will be addressed.
Prerequisite(s): (EDK 500 or EDK 700) and (EDC 556 or EDC 756)
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or
EDC 621 Experimental Analysis of Behavior 3 Credit Hours
This course seeks to provide an overview of basic behavioral processes. The experimental analysis of behavior (EAB) is dedicated to the discovery and explanation of the basic principles governing all behavior through experimental methods. EAB is the foundation of applied behavior analysis. Detailed examination of the following topics: Respondent Conditioning; Operant Conditioning; Schedules of Reinforcement; Aversive Control; Stimulus Control; Observational Learning; Choice/Preference. This course also focuses on research methodologies and analysis of the basic research in behavior analysis. (W).
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 622 Science and Human Behavior 3 Credit Hours
This course seeks to develop competence in the history and philosophy of behaviorism, theoretical approaches to understanding behavior, and interpretation of behavior in terms of the concepts and principles of behavior analysis. The philosophy of the science of behavior is the foundation of applied behavior analysis (ABA); learning that philosophy is key to the application of the fundamental principles, processes, and concepts of the field. This course will address seminal publications in the science of behavior and examine their application. (W).
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 623 Ethics in Applied Behavior Analysis 3 Credit Hours
This course seeks to understand legal constraints and ethical guidelines as pertinent to behavioral research and practice. This course provides students pursuing behavior analyst certification with a comprehensive examination of the ethical code. Through readings and discussion of the code students will learn to recognize code violations and avoid unethical behavior and code violations. Throughout the course, case studies will be used as a basis for demonstrating code violations. Attention to the implications of individual needs, perspectives, and differences for ethical practice will be emphasized. (F).
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 624 Prog Develop, Super & Mgmt 3 Credit Hours
Full Title: Program Development, Supervision & Management This course seeks to address the selection, development, and implementation of behavior change procedures within the framework of strategies for personnel training, supervision, and management. Through the sue of case studies, students will develop behavioral programming, consider the personnel issues to consider for effective programming, and examine strategies that allow for more effective personnel training, monitoring, and supervision. (YR)
Prerequisite(s): EDC 506
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 625 Contemporary Issues for ABA Practitioners 3 Credit Hours
This course seeks to develop awareness of contemporary issues in applied behavior analysis (ABA) that practitioners face in their interactions with clients, families, caregivers, support staff, other professionals/stakeholders, and the community. The course will focus on relevant readings and class discussions. Topics may include focus on pseudoscientific practices in human services; special education; mental health; practice issues; diversity/equity/inclusion practices; anti-ABA sentiment; ableism; trauma-informed ABA; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT); Relational Frame Theory (RFT); psychopharmacology; behavioral medicine; behavioral gerontology; community interventions; and other relevant issues to the field of ABA. (F).
Prerequisite(s): EDC 506
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 630 Portfolio and Performance 3 Credit Hours
This course in an introduction to the theory and practice of performance and portfolio assessment. It examines the theory behind both forms of assessment including issues of validity, scoring, and the relationship to standards-based objectives. Topics include portfolio types, structures, contents and uses, as well as visual, written, oral, electronic and performance assessment. Students will create both a performance and a portfolio task, associated rubrics, and gain an understanding of how these types of assessments can impact teaching and learning.
Prerequisite(s): EDK 500 and EDC 556
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services
EDC 634 Behavioral Principles for Supervision, Training, & Performance Management 3 Credit Hours
This course addresses the application of behavior analytic principles in varied organizations for consultation, management, supervision, and performance evaluation to improve the delivery of clinical services and client outcomes and to improve staff productivity and work performance. Throughout the course, students will examine evidence-based strategies for personnel issues relevant to effective clinical programming, staff training, and supervision practices. The course is taught by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and should be taken by students pursuing the M.S. in Applied Behavior Analysis degree and BCBA certification. (W).
Prerequisite(s): EDC 506
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 645 Transdisc Appr: Assess/Collab 3 Credit Hours
Culturally sensitive and family-centered approaches to assessing infants, toddlers, and young children with a variety of disabilities as well as determining family resources, needs and priorities will be the focus. Selecting and using assessment instruments and procedures in order to guide decision-making about determining eligibility for services, planning intervention goals and objectives, monitoring progress, and evaluating program effectiveness will be included. (YR).
Prerequisite(s): EDC 414 or EDC 514
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 701 Intro to Learning Disabilities 3 Credit Hours
Overview of characteristics, identification, service delivery models, and issues pertaining to persons from preschool to adulthood with learning disabilities. Required course for Special Education-Learning Disabilities Certification.
Can enroll if Class is Specialist or Doctorate
EDC 714 Early Child Ed Special Needs 3 Credit Hours
Focuses on the psychological and educational needs of the young child with special needs. Discusses identification techniques and educational strategies for teaching in a regular early childhood classroom with young children having special needs. Special emphasis will be placed on behavioral, linguistic, and intellectual needs. Suitable for classroom teachers, child care directors, and teachers in training.
Prerequisite(s): EDC 540 or (EDC 340 or EDC 240)
Can enroll if Class is Graduate
EDC 731 Constructivist Education 3 Credit Hours
An examination of constructivist theory and its application to educational practices. The nature and stages from birth through adolescence of cognitive and social development from the constructivist viewpoints of Piaget, Vygotsky, and others will be discussed. A major focus will be the application of constructivist theory to educational goals, teaching strategies and curriculum. Additional course work differentiates this course from the master's level course.
Cannot enroll if Level is
EDC 740 Seminar in Ed Psych/Spec Educ 3 Credit Hours
This course will focus on contemporary topics related to the development of knowledge of current theories in the areas of cognitive development, language, motor, and social development, in particular as they relate to issues in special education.
Can enroll if Class is Specialist
Cannot enroll if Level is Undergraduate
Cannot enroll if Degree is
EDC 756 Learning & Classrm Assessment 3 Credit Hours
In this course students will examine the relationship between curriculum, instruction and assessment. Students will review different forms of assessment and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each format. Students gain experience in 1) selection of assessment formats based on curricular focus and student developmental levels; 2) development of assessments; and 3) decision-making based on the results of the assessments.
Can enroll if Class is Specialist or Doctorate
EDC 845 Transdisc Appr: Assess/Collab 3 Credit Hours
Culturally sensitive and family-centered approaches to assessing infants, toddlers, and young children with a variety of disabilities as well as determining family resources, needs and priorities will be the focus. Selecting and using assessment instruments and procedures in order to guide decision-making about determining eligibility for services, planning intervention goals and objectives, monitoring progress, and evaluating program effectiveness will be included. (YR).
Prerequisite(s): EDC 545
Can enroll if Class is Specialist or Doctorate
*An asterisk denotes that a course may be taken concurrently.
Frequency of Offering
The following abbreviations are used to denote the frequency of offering: (F) fall term; (W) winter term; (S) summer term; (F, W) fall and winter terms; (YR) once a year; (AY) alternating years; (OC) offered occasionally