Important Policies
Students currently enrolled in a graduate degree-seeking program at another university may request permission to enroll in graduate courses at the University of Michigan-Dearborn as a guest student. Master’s level students are permitted to enroll for a maximum of 6 semester hours of credit and doctoral level students are permitted to enroll for a maximum of 9 semester hours of credit as a guest student at UM-Dearborn. Guest students register on a space-available basis.University of Michigan-Ann Arbor and University of Michigan-Flint students, while still considered guests, are not held to the above credit cap. However, these University of Michigan system students should follow relevant transfer credit policies.
Please note that the University of Michigan-Dearborn participates in the Michigan Intercollegiate Graduate Studies (MIGS) program. Students in good standing at one institution may take advantage of course and research opportunities offered at another institution, provided that such opportunities are not available on the home campus. If your current institution participates in MIGS and the courses you are interested in taking are not available at your home institution, you should consider applying through the MIGS option. Grades earned in MIGS courses may be applied toward the Home Institution grade point average or used for credit toward a graduate degree as allowed by the Home Institution’s policy.
All Guest Students are:
Subject to all UM-Dearborn admission and registration regulations.
Admitted for one term only. Additional registration under this status requires a new application each term.
Assessed regular UM-Dearborn graduate tuition and related fees for all courses elected.
Not eligible for financial aid from UM-Dearborn.
Responsible for determining if credit earned as a Guest student will be accepted by their degree-seeking program of interest if applicable.
Registered on a space-available basis.
Prerequisites, grading standards, class assignments, and attendance requirements of a course apply to all students in that course. Colleges, departments, schools, and programs determine rules of access to their courses and may limit enrollment of Guest students in certain courses. Prospective Guest students should contact the relevant academic unit for further information on departmental policies and course availability.
Applicants who are interested in Guest status should complete the online Guest Application (accessed via the non-degree application option).