Academic Code of Conduct

I. General Principles

The Academic Code of Conduct (ACC) for the University of Michigan-Dearborn is based on the premise that undergraduate and graduate students will perform honestly and ethically on all tests, projects, and assignments. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner conducive to an environment of academic integrity and of respect for the educational process. Therefore, an individual should realize that deception for the purpose of individual gain is an offense against the members of the community.

All students and instructors are required to familiarize themselves with the ACC, its implications and effects.

Any alleged or affirmed violation of the ACC by undergraduate or graduate students will be dealt with in accordance with the procedures described below. An alleged violation is defined as an incident in which an instructor discovered a potential offense of the ACC by a student. An affirmed violation is defined as an incident for which the time has elapsed for an allegation the student did not appeal or if the student filed a timely appeal, the academic integrity board has entered a decision that the student is responsible for the misconduct.

II. Prohibited Academic Conduct

The actions cited as prohibited conduct should be used as a guide rather than an exhaustive list of behaviors that the University considers misconduct and subject to disciplinary action.

  1. Plagiarism: includes representing the words, ideas, or work of others as one’s own in writing or presentations, and failing to give proper credit to the original source; failing to properly acknowledge and cite language from another source, including paraphrased text; failing to properly cite any ideas, images, technical work, creative content, or other material taken from published or unpublished sources in any medium, including online material or oral presentations, and including the author’s own previous work.
  2. Cheating: includes copying from other’s exam or other evaluative assignment; referring to or using notes, books, digital devices or resources, or other materials for an exam or other evaluative assignment without explicit permission of the instructor; submitting work that was previously used for another class without the informed permission of the instructor; discussing or sharing information about questions or answers on an exam or other evaluative assignment without explicit permission of the instructor; giving, taking, or receiving a copy of an exam without explicit permission of the instructor; allowing another person to take an exam or complete an assignment for the student; attempting to change the result of an exam or other evaluation.
  3. Fabrication: includes alterations to transcripts, grades, letters of recommendation, or other evaluations of or for any current or former student.
  4. Aiding and Abetting: includes altering documents affecting academic records; aiding others to commit any act prohibited by the ACC; effort to aid or encourage the academic misconduct of others, such as encouraging another student to share individually assigned work with other students; forging a signature of authorization or falsifying information on an official academic document, election form, grade report, letter of permission, petition, or any document designed to meet or exempt a student from an established University or unit academic regulation.
  5. Interference: obstructing or hindering the work or study of a member of the faculty, or staff, or a student at the University.

III. Notice, Initial Finding, and Reporting to the Dean of Students Office

  1. Notice. To the extent practical, an instructor has ten (10) academic calendar days[1] from the discovery of a potential offense of the ACC to inform the student(s) of the offense. The instructor shall inform the student of the nature of the ACC charges; explain the possible sanctions that may be imposed as a result of the allegation; provide an opportunity to the student to meet with the instructor[2]; and inform the student that the case may be reported to the Dean of Students Office if the student does not respond in five (5) academic calendar days.
  2. Initial Meeting. At the initial meeting with the instructor, the student will have the opportunity to be heard, ask questions, see all the evidence the instructor can obtain at the time, and accept or refute the allegation. This meeting should occur in a timely fashion and, if practicable, within fifteen (15) academic calendar days from the instructor’s initial notice provided to the student. After the meeting, the instructor will find the student either responsible or not responsible for the alleged violation of the ACC, and in the earlier case shall report the matter to the Dean of Students Office in a timely fashion and, if practicable, within twenty (20) academic calendar days from the initial contact with the student, as specified in Steps 3 and 4 below. If the student does not respond within five (5) academic calendar days of the instructor’s initial contact, or does not appear for the scheduled meeting, the instructor will proceed to find the student either responsible or not responsible for the alleged violation and report the matter to the Dean of Students Office in a timely fashion and, if practicable, within ten (10) academic calendar days from the initial contact with the student, as specified in Steps 3 and 4 below.
  3. Reporting to the Dean of Students Office. All cases where the instructor finds the student responsible shall be reported as outlined in this Policy to the Dean of Students Office. In the report, the instructor shall include all supporting documentation, and imposed sanctions, using the online reporting form[3] and inform the student that a report of the incident has been submitted to the Dean of Students Office, and the student has the right to appeal after receiving a notification from the Dean of Students Office unless the violation is an informal one as specified in Step 4 below.
  4. Instructor Resolution and Informal Reporting. Instructors may wish to resolve a basic case of misconduct at the classroom level. Specifically, if the student has accepted responsibility for the allegation and course level sanctions, then the instructor may choose to complete an Informal Conduct Report when reporting the matter to the Dean of Students Office outlined in this Policy. However, if the option is checked but the student is ineligible for a new informal violation, as specified below, then the student can still appeal the allegation. If the option “informal if eligible” is checked and the student has zero (0) or one (1) informal violation on records, then the student has one more informal violation recorded and the matter will be considered closed. The Dean of Students Office shall keep records of informal ACC violations, but not in the University Academic Integrity Database. Any undergraduate or graduate student can have a maximum of two (2) informal violations. Any alleged violation may be reported either to be with or without the option “informal if eligible” being checked; even the first time alleged violation of a student may be reported without the option “informal if eligible” being checked; and an alleged violation of a student with affirmed violations may be reported with the option “informal if eligible” being checked. Besides classroom sanctions, if required by the Dean of Students Office, students with informal violations shall attend ACC training programs.
  5. Confirmation of Finding. Upon receiving a report from an instructor, if the option “informal if eligible” is not checked or the student has two (2) informal violations on records and thus is ineligible for any more informal violations, the Dean of Students Office shall send an email or letter which secures a delivery receipt to the student within five (5) academic calendar days of receiving the report of the alleged violation with the following information: 1) allegation of misconducts, along with all documentation submitted by the instructor; 2) notification that the record of the alleged incident is in the University Academic Integrity Database; 3) explanation of the services and support provided by the Ombuds Services Office in the Division of Student Affairs in relation to ACC violations, and encourage students to contact the Ombuds Services Office regarding the alleged violation for their own protection; 4) the student has the right to appeal through the Academic Integrity Board in the college offering the course within ten (10) academic calendar days of receiving the notification letter from the Dean of Students Office, and the alleged violation becomes an affirmed violation and college wide sanctions specified in Section VII.2 apply if the student does not appeal on time; 5) if the student chooses to appeal, then the student needs to initiate an appeal by completing and submitting to the Dean of Students Office a copy of the Academic Appeal Form, along with supporting documentation; and 6) if the student has a prior affirmed violation in the University Academic Integrity Database, the Dean of Students will provide information related to the consequences of a repeat violation.

Any instructional faculty member or proctoring service staff may submit an online report even if the member or staff does not have the direct authority to impose an appropriate penalty. The reporting person, if not the instructor of the student involved, shall first contact the instructor if possible. Under no circumstances should the reporting person share confidential information about the ACC process or case with others, except with the responsible Associate Dean/Department Chair/Program Head in the college offering the course, the Dean of Students Office, and the instructor of record.

IV. Academic Integrity Board Jurisdiction, Composition, and Conflict of Interest

In each college, there shall be established an Academic Integrity Board, which shall be a permanent standing committee and have jurisdiction over alleged violations of the ACC. The Board shall consist of at least three (3) full-time instructors and at least two (2) non-voting students, the Ombuds Services Office director or designee as an ex-officio, non-voting, advisory member, and the student conduct officer or designee from the Dean of Students Office as an ex-officio, non-voting, advisory member. The instructors shall be appointed by the college’s executive committee and the Student Government President shall select the student members who shall have no record of alleged or affirmed ACC violations. A chair of the Board, chosen from its members, shall function as the administrative head.

Members of the Board shall disqualify themselves from hearing a case if they believe their capacity for making an objective judgment in the case is or may reasonably appear to be impaired. Members should not disqualify themselves for any other reason. Replacements for disqualified members shall be selected in the manner described in paragraph one of Section IV.

V. Academic Integrity Board Procedure for ACC Violations and Appeals

  1. At each hearing or meeting, three voting Board members need to attend. A hearing of the Academic Integrity Board shall be called by the Dean of Students Office if a student appeals the finding(s) against them within ten (10) academic calendar days of receiving the letter from the Dean of Students Office.
  2. If the student does not appeal, the Dean of Students Office shall inform the instructor to confirm the accusation, and ensure that the affirmed ACC violations be entered into the University Academic Integrity Database, and shall conduct a search of the database for prior affirmed ACC violations by the student.
  3. If the student appeals, then the Dean of Students Office shall schedule a hearing by the Academic Integrity Board, with all documentation provided by the instructor and the student. To the extent practicable, the Dean of Students Office will redact unique identifying student and instructor information (i.e., name, UMID number). The Academic Integrity Board hearing shall be held in a timely fashion and, if practicable, within thirty (30) academic calendar days after the student appeal.
  4. The Board shall take no longer than ten (10) academic calendar days after its last hearing of a case to make its decision and convey the information to the Dean of Students Office.
  5. The Board's decision/recommendation shall be based on a preponderance of the evidence standard of proof.
  6. The Academic Integrity Board’s decision over an ACC accusation is regardless of student intent; it is purely based on the facts contained in the files submitted by the instructor and the student. However, when the Board considers the nature of sanctions to be imposed on a student with repeat violations, the intent of the student may be considered; refer to Section VI.
  7. The Board has the authority to sustain or overturn an instructor’s finding of an ACC violation.
  8. The Board shall examine and evaluate all documentation within the files submitted. The Board has the authority, but is under no obligation, to meet with the instructor or student and/or to ask them for additional information. If the Board meets with one party, it shall also give the opposing side an opportunity to meet with the Board. Additionally, the Board may invite the parties to submit written statements from witnesses, which will be shared with all parties. For all other matters the Board shall promulgate its own policies.
  9. Upon making its decision the Board’s chair shall inform the Dean of Students Office in writing who shall in turn notify the student and instructor within five (5) academic calendar days after the decision is made. If the Academic Integrity Board sustains the ACC charges, the Dean of Students Office shall inform the instructor to confirm the accusation, and ensure that the affirmed ACC violations be entered into the University Academic Integrity Database, and shall conduct a search of the database for prior affirmed ACC violations by the student. If the Board overturns an instructor’s decision then all records of the ACC violation shall be removed from the University Academic Integrity Database.
  10. When a student presents details that would suggest that the challenged action stemmed from conduct violating a non-academic policy by the instructor, the student, or any other relevant people, such as sexual harassment and other forms of discrimination, then no further action will be taken pending the completion of the Office of Institutional Equity proceedings.

VI. Academic Integrity Board Procedure for Repeat Violations

  1. To the extent practical, the process for repeat violations starts at the time when the Dean of Students Office informs the student of an ACC allegation with the opportunity to appeal. At that time point, the Office shall check whether the student has a prior affirmed violation in the University Academic Integrity Database; if so, the alleged ACC violation becomes a repeat violation if affirmed. Any student with multiple affirmed violations that have occurred in a short time window and are not counted as repeat violations, if required by the Dean of Students Office, shall attend ACC training programs.
  2. If the Dean of Students Office finds that the student has repeat ACC violations, both formal and affirmed, then the Office shall call a meeting of the Academic Integrity Board in the home college of the student in a timely fashion and, if practicable, within thirty (30) academic calendar days of the affirmation, to recommend sanctions on the student, with all documentation provided by the instructor and the student. To the extent practicable, the Dean of Students Office will redact unique identifying student and instructor information (i.e., name, UMID number). The Dean of Students Office shall also contact the student to explain the nature of the Board meeting, and give the student opportunity to provide a letter that explains violations and lists preferred sanctions provided in Section G of the UM-Dearborn Student Rights and Code of Conduct[4]. Such a letter, if provided, shall be forward to the Board meeting.
  3. The Board recommends sanctions within ten (10) academic calendar days after its last meeting. Factors that may be considered in determining the nature of sanctions to be imposed include: 1) the intent of the student; 2) the effect of the conduct on the University community; 3) past disciplinary record of the student; and 4) any mitigating factors presented by the complainant (i.e., stress, personal illness, illness/death of family members, cultural misunderstandings, etc.). The Board shall make a recommendation to the Dean of the home college of the student calling for one or more of the sanctions provided in Section G of the UM-Dearborn Student Rights and Code of Conduct. The Board’s chair shall notify the Dean of the recommendation for review, revision, and approval.
  4. The Dean of the home college of the student shall make the final decision in a timely fashion and, if practicable, within ten (10) academic calendar days of the Board issuing its recommendation. The Dean will decide the case on the basis of the records of the proceedings of the Academic Integrity Board, the written materials submitted by the student, and the results of consultations with the parties, if any.
  5. The Dean’s decision shall be written and contain the Dean’s finding of fact and may (at the discretion of the author) include reasons for the decision. It shall be provided to the student, the responsible Associate Dean/Department Chair/Program Head in the student’s home college, and the chair of the Academic Integrity Board, and placed in the student's file.

VII. Disciplinary Actions

1. Instructors have the authority to impose sanctions with respect to their classes. These penalties include, but are not limited to, reducing a student’s course grade or failing a student in the course(s). However, if the sanction affects a student’s final grade of a course posted 180 or more days ago, the grade change needs approval from the Dean of the home college of the student.

2. For all affirmed violations, with the help of the Dean of Students Office, all four colleges will impose the below sanctions, in addition to any sanction imposed by the instructor. The student is ineligible for one year:

  • Chancellor’s Medallion
  • Difference Maker
  • Dean’s List
  • any college Honor Scholar
  • any university compensated peer tutoring, mentoring, grading, or supplemental instruction position
  • any college scholarship (not including financial aid scholarships)

3. Each college may also choose to impose additional sanctions based on the nature of an affirmed violation. Any additional sanction imposed by a college shall be reviewed and approved by the Dean.

4. For repeat violations, the Board shall make a recommendation on additional sanctions to the Dean of the home college of the student, and the Dean shall make the final decision.

VIII. External Uses of ACC Violation Records

  1. The Dean of Students Office shall keep records of informal ACC violations, but not in the University Academic Integrity Database. Records of informal ACC violations are not for any external uses.
  2. The record of any alleged ACC violation is temporally in the University Academic Integrity Database, but will either become a record of an affirmed violation or be removed from the database, as specified in Section V. Records of alleged ACC violations are not for any external uses.
  3. Records related to ACC violations that identify a student and which are maintained by the University are governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Affirmed violations of the ACC are maintained in the University Academic Integrity Database. These records are expunged from the database within eight (8) weeks after the student’s graduation or after eight (8) years from the initial violation, whichever comes first. Students who want to provide these records to a third party (such as a potential employer) are required to submit a written FERPA consent for such records to be released.

IX. Automatic Procedural Review

The Office of the Provost shall conduct an automatic review to ensure no material procedural error in the process occurred. If the Provost Office determines there was a material procedural error then the case shall be remanded to a reconstituted Board for a new hearing.

X. Maintenance of Records

All records related to ACC violations shall be maintained in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act.

XI. Responsible Administrator

The Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs or designee is responsible for periodic and ad hoc review of this Policy and its procedures. The Faculty Senate is responsible for the approval of this Policy.


[1] Excluding weekends, final exam periods, and University recognized holidays.

[2] The meeting can be in-person, over the phone, or remotely.