Speech (SPEE)

SPEE 101     Principles of Speech Comm     3 Credit Hours

Course is designed to help students become better producers and consumers of oral communication in a diverse democratic society. Students will gain experience and confidence in fundamentals of effective speech writing, presentation, and criticism. Emphasis is placed on researching and selecting credible sources, integrating supporting material, rhetorical invention, audience analysis, speech organization, topic development, delivery skills, visual aids, and effective language.

SPEE 310     Interpersonal Communication     4 Credit Hours

Interpersonal Communication (IPC) is designed to increase your understanding of and ability to perform effective interpersonal communication skills. Interpersonal communication introduces you to the complex interaction of social and psychological forces operating in human communication. The course is designed with a dual approach consisting of both theory and application that allows you opportunities to critically evaluate the intricacies of interpersonal relationships and the communication issues surrounding human interaction in various contexts. With a partner, you will also lead a class discussion and later create a poster about an interpersonal communication research article. What you learn in this course will improve the quality of your personal and professional communication and relationships. (YR).

Prerequisite(s): SPEE 101

SPEE 320     Public Argument and Advocacy     4 Credit Hours

Students will gain perspectives and experience as both critical consumers and informed producers of public discourse. Students will become familiar with basic theories of rhetorical action, engage in critical analysis of varied rhetorical events, and prepare advanced level oral and written advocacy. Emphasis will be placed on developing the democratic skills of the rhetor/critic. Students will participate in course projects that will culminate in blogposts, podcast episodes, or recorded oral presentations. (YR).

Prerequisite(s): SPEE 101

SPEE 330     Argumentation and Debate     3 Credit Hours

This course covers the logical and legal foundations of the argumentation process. Offers practical and theoretical experience in analysis, reasoning, case-building, evaluation of evidence, refutation, and cross-examination. (AY).

Prerequisite(s): SPEE 101

SPEE 340     Persuasion & Social Movements     3 Credit Hours

Course examines theories of persuasion by considering the interrelationship among social movements, the public sphere, and persuasive practices. Through lectures, discussions, and analysis of speeches and other persuasive artifacts, the course focuses on how citizens employ persuasive strategies and tactics to effect change in their community and society at large. Emphasis will be placed on case studies (both social movements and other persuasive enterprises) that illustrate the theory and practice of persuasion.

Prerequisite(s): SPEE 101

SPEE 399     Independent Studies in Speech     1 to 3 Credit Hours

Readings or analytical assignments in speech in accordance with the needs and interests of those enrolled and agreed upon by the student and advising instructor. (F,W).

SPEE 430     Small Group Communication     3 Credit Hours

A survey of small group behavior from the perspectives of theory, research, and practice. Activities and discussion will emphasize skills in leadership, problem solving, policy making, and the development of consensus. Students cannot receive credit for both SPEE 430 and SPEE 530. (AY).

Prerequisite(s): SPEE 101

Cannot enroll if Class is Graduate

SPEE 442     20th Century Public Argument     4 Credit Hours

This class will examine and critically analyze several of the most significant speeches, movements, and rhetorical artifacts of the twentieth century. Through lectures, discussions, and analysis of speeches and other texts, we will focus on the relationship between rhetoric and history, and how theories of rhetorical action help us appreciate the role of discourse in the effective functioning of a democratic system. Emphasis will be placed on case studies (both social movements and other persuasive enterprises) that illustrate the theory and practice of persuasion and how citizens and institutions employ persuasive strategies and tactics to effect and resist change in their community and society at large. (YR).

Prerequisite(s): SPEE 101

*An asterisk denotes that a course may be taken concurrently.

Frequency of Offering

The following abbreviations are used to denote the frequency of offering: (F) fall term; (W) winter term; (S) summer term; (F, W) fall and winter terms; (YR) once a year; (AY) alternating years; (OC) offered occasionally