Political Science (POL)

POL 101     American Politics     3 Credit Hours

This course examines the national institutions and political processes of American government. Potential topics include: the Constitution, the Founding, Congress, the Presidency, the Supreme Court, federalism, elections, voting, public opinion, interest groups, political parties, civil rights, civil liberties, or public policy. (F, W).

POL 300     Political Analysis     4 Credit Hours

Introduction to research design, data collection and analysis, sampling, and statistics for social scientists. (F,W).

POL 302     The Theory of the Law     4 Credit Hours

A comprehensive introduction to the theoretical foundations and the political functions of law, with special emphasis on the different moral justifications of law; the relation between law and justice; the relation between law and freedom; due process and fairness in any legal system. This course is designed to have special relevance for those considering law as a career. (OC).

POL 303     Justice     4 Credit Hours

An analysis of theories of justice. The relation between morality and political power is considered. (AY).

POL 304     American Political Thought     4 Credit Hours

The principal American contributions to political theory. (OC).

POL 306     Political Ideologies     3 Credit Hours

An examination of significant modern ideologies, especially liberalism, conservatism, and Marxism. (YR).

POL 308     Moral and Political Dilemmas     4 Credit Hours

The course focuses on the tensions and relations between personal morality and political action by examining the moral aspect of contemporary policy issues such as the right to life, environmental policy, and discrimination. (YR).

Cannot enroll if Class is Freshman or Sophomore

POL 309     Ancient Political Theory     4 Credit Hours

An examination of seminal ancient and classical thinkers and texts such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and the Bible on significant themes pertaining to justice, government, religion, and philosophy. (YR).

POL 310     Modern Political Theory     4 Credit Hours

The course studies the origins of modern political theory and practice, and the development of "modern" democratic liberalism. (YR).

POL 311     Int Group and Pol Process     4 Credit Hours

An examination of the structure, techniques, and internal politics of interest groups, their role in policy making and relationship with political parties, legislative and executive bodies, and administrative agencies. (AY).

POL 312     Legislative Process     4 Credit Hours

We explore deeply the roles, structures, and operations of governmental legislative bodies. While focusing on the U.S. Congress, we also consider state, local, and international examples. Our overarching goal is to understand how these bodies and their members affect policymaking and represent societal interests. (W, YR).

POL 313     American State Government     4 Credit Hours

A comparative analysis of politics, political processes, and governmental institutions in American state and local governments. (AY, W).

POL 314     Issues in Amer Pol Thought     4 Credit Hours

Fundamental and recurring issues in American political thought, as they appear in the most influential and representative works on public affairs since the end of the Civil War. Topics may include Social Darwinism and its progressive critics, "revisionist" critiques of the Constitution, political aspects of philosophic pragmatism, the "revolt against formalism" in law, political doctrines of Progressivism and the New Deal, mid-century changes in progressive liberalism, the revival of classical liberalism and its "fusion" with traditional conservatism, political-philosophical aspects of environmentalism, the political thought of the civil rights movement and its critics, feminism and its diversification, and the capacities of American political culture and institutions to conduct a sustained opposition to terrorism. The course concentrates on analyzing extended works of reasoning in books, essays, judicial opinions and other public documents. POL 304, American Political Thought, is recommended as a forerunner to this course.

Can enroll if Level is Undergraduate

POL 315     The American Presidency     4 Credit Hours

The course examines the expansion of presidential powers, focusing on the constitutional and political development in the president's role as chief executive, legislative leader, and administrative head of state. Topics include: separation of powers, presidential selection, impeachment, relations with Congress and bureaucracy, emergency powers, presidential character, and leadership. (YR).

POL 316     The American Judicial Process     4 Credit Hours

An analysis of American legal institutions, processes and doctrines, and their relationship to the formulation of public policy and the solution of social problems. (AY).

POL 322     Michigan Government, Politics, & Public Policy     4 Credit Hours

We will use contemporary policy debates in Michigan as a lens for understanding the institutions, processes, and individuals driving Michigan government and politics. We will examine both the formal structural dimensions of Michigan government and the informal environmental elements affecting how those structural elements function. (YR).

POL 323     Urban Politics     4 Credit Hours

A survey of the political process in urban areas giving special attention to the changing role of cities in American politics. (YR).

POL 325     Environmental Politics     4 Credit Hours

An examination of policy making about problems affecting the environment, at a global, national, and local scale. (AY).

POL 327     Pol Parties and Elections     4 Credit Hours

A basic survey of American political party organization and the American election system. The course sometimes includes an examination of parties and elections in comparative perspective. (YR).

POL 328     Pub Opinion and Press Groups     4 Credit Hours

A study of the nature and formation of public opinion, the techniques for its measurement, and its role in the political system. (AY).

POL 329     Politics and the Media     4 Credit Hours

This course investigates the relationships between the news media and our major political institutions; the structure of the modern media; their influence on public opinion; their effects on our party and electoral system; their role in defining political reality and agenda setting; and their influence upon our political institutions and the policy-making process. (YR).

POL 334     Organizing and Leadership     4 Credit Hours

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the theory and practice of local democratic action. The course draws on the history, practices, and lessons of the American community organizing tradition and the civil rights movement and relates those past experiences to current issues. In collaboration with local community partners, students learn about effective methods of civic engagement and leadership, as currently practiced in metropolitan Detroit. (YR).

POL 350     Pol of the Developing Areas     4 Credit Hours

A comparative study of political development, political and governmental structures, and conflict patterns, especially of an ethnic nature. (AY).

POL 355     Religion and Politics     3 Credit Hours

The primary focus of the course is on political movements or systems that take a religious form or have a religious base or use a religiously-rooted ideology. Possible themes or cases covered include the Catholic Church as a political system, Evangelical politics in America, religious uprisings, and Islamic political movements. (AY).

POL 360     American Policy Process     4 Credit Hours

Using real-world examples and the insights of experts in the field, this course explores how public policy is made in the federal government. We will examine deeply the interaction of people, institutions, rules, and contextual variables that determine what policies are enacted and how. We will seek to understand the complex, often maddening, process of decision-making in the federal government and the policies that result from it. (YR).

POL 361     American Foreign Policy     4 Credit Hours

Survey of American foreign policy in various regions of the world. Instances of policy making, such as the Cuban missile crisis, are explored in detail. (OC).

POL 362     Women, Politics, and the Law     4 Credit Hours

An examination of the political behavior of women in American politics. Included is an analysis of the legal and legislative demands of American women. (F).

POL 364     Health Pol and Administration     4 Credit Hours

Structure and processes of health administration in America, including analysis of current issues in health policy. (OC).

POL 365     Energy Policy     4 Credit Hours

The course reviews the important elements in energy policy and a brief history of that development. It also considers what factors have been important in those developments. Finally, there is discussion of the potential for policy developments at all levels of government. (OC).

POL 367     Fiscal Policy and Budgeting     4 Credit Hours

This course is intended to introduce students to the fundamental elements of the federal budget. During the class we will examine the budgetary process and how it has evolved over time. Contemporary proposals to reform the budget process will be considered as well. Careful attention will also be paid to important components of the federal budget including entitlements, defense spending, and discretionary non-defense spending. We will consider various policy reforms as legislators seek to find ways of maintaining popular programs while controlling costs. Finally, the course will conclude by examining some famous budgetary conflicts in recent American history. (OC).

Can enroll if Level is Undergraduate

POL 371     Problems in Intl Politics     4 Credit Hours

Present-day problems in world politics, with particular emphasis on the great powers and on areas and events of political conflict in the contemporary world. (YR).

POL 375     Great Pwrs Comp and Conflict     4 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the foreign policies of major international powers, such as China, Russia, and the Western European democracies. Attention is also paid to the causes of the rise and decline of major powers. (OC, YR).

POL 385     Israeli-Palestinian Conflict     4 Credit Hours

The course focuses on the Israeli-Palestine conflict in its domestic, regional, and world-wide dimensions. (W, YR).

POL 390     Topics in Political Science     3 Credit Hours

Examination of problems and issues in selected areas of political science. Title as listed in Schedule of Classes will change according to content. Course may be repeated for credit when specific topics differ. (OC).

POL 390J     Topics in Political Science     3 Credit Hours

Topic: Freedom of Religion in America. This course is designed to explore a variety of historical and contemporary issues dealing with freedom of religion as guaranteed in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Special attention will be given to the landmark decisions of the Supreme Court interpreting the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses of the First Amendment and the legal and political controversies raised by these decisions. The course is designed to lead to a greater understanding of the symbiotic relationship between religion and politics, the importance of religious liberty to democracy, and the inevitable tensions between religious groups, and between church and state in a free society.

Prerequisite(s): HIST 365

POL 394     Justice     3 Credit Hours

POL 398     Independent Studies     1 to 3 Credit Hours

Readings or analytical assignments in Political Science in accordance with the needs and interests of those enrolled and agreed upon by the student and instructor.

POL 399     Independent Study     1 Credit Hour

readings or analytical assignments in political sciences in accordance with the interests and needs of students enrolled and agreed upon by the instructor and student. Written permission of instructor required.

POL 413     American Constitutional Law     4 Credit Hours

A major theme of this course is the development of the Constitution as shaped by the Supreme Court, Congress, and the president. The course examines the constitutional interpretation of government authority which includes such topics as judicial review, appointments, executive privilege, war power, federalism, commerce power, taxing and spending power, and substantive due process. (AY).

Cannot enroll if Class is

POL 414     Civil Rights and Liberties     4 Credit Hours

An analysis of the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment, with particular emphasis upon recent landmark or controversial Supreme Court decisions dealing with freedom of speech and religion, rights of criminal defendants; cruel and unusual punishment, right to privacy; civil rights and equal protection clause; and apportionment. (YR).

Can enroll if Class is Junior or Senior
Can enroll if Level is Undergraduate

POL 417     Constitution&National Security     4 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the issue of national security and how the federal government has used power to protect its citizens. It analyzes relevant national security issues in order to understand how government action is constrained by the Constitution and social norms. The course examines the historical development of national security in the United States including habeas corpus, wiretapping, military tribunals, state secrets, and extraordinary rendition. Particular close attention is paid to the modern development of national security. The emphasis in reading will be on cases, executive orders, congressional hearings, and statutes.For graduate credit elect POL 517.

Cannot enroll if Class is Freshman or Sophomore

POL 445     Environmental Law     3 Credit Hours

A survey of common law theories and analysis of environmental statutes from a functional perspective. The course also includes environmental law aspects of constitutional law, administrative law and criminal law, as well as the public trust doctrine and public lands. Student cannot receive credit for both ENST 350 and ENST/POL 445.

POL 450     Revolution     4 Credit Hours

A consideration of violent political change and the conditions which promote it. The course covers both revolutionary theories and empirical research. Specific revolutions are considered. (OC).

Cannot enroll if Class is

POL 451     Peace and War     4 Credit Hours

An examination of the causes of war and the means of securing peace. (OC).

Prerequisite(s): HIST 365 or HONS 300

Cannot enroll if Class is
Can enroll if Attribute is Honors Program

POL 466     Politics&Policies Soc Welfare     4 Credit Hours

The course examines the relationship between politics and public policy as related to the provision of social welfare programs in the United States. (YR).

Cannot enroll if Class is Freshman

POL 467     Food Politics and Policy     4 Credit Hours

How do politics affect our food at the global, national and urban/local scale? This course examines close historical relationships between politics and food; the politics of conventional agriculture and food policy; and alternative agriculture movements and food systems, with a particular emphasis on urban food policy and urban food systems.

POL 471     American Foreign Policy I     4 Credit Hours

American foreign policy in Western Europe, Russia, and Latin America. (OC).

Can enroll if Class is Junior or Senior

POL 472     American Foreign Policy II     4 Credit Hours

American foreign policy in the non-western world. (OC).

Can enroll if Class is Junior or Senior

POL 473     International Security Affairs     4 Credit Hours

International Security is the branch of world politics concerned with the threats, primarily military in nature, to the peace and security of the nation, states, and the international community. (AY).

Can enroll if Class is Junior or Senior

POL 484     Revitalizing Cities     4 Credit Hours

What have we done to address decline in city neighborhoods and downtowns? Why? How has it worked? Why? What's the hope for the future? This course uses a public policy lens to engage students in a quest for answers to these questions. (YR)

POL 487     Comparative Enviro Policy     4 Credit Hours

This course explores environmental policy as a result of political processes involving diverse participants and entailing movement through several stages - from defining an issue as an environmental problem to placing it on political agenda and then receiving a response at domestic governmental or international levels. This course analyzes environmental issues from a cross-cultural and comparative perspective, with a particular attention given to political institutions, political change, levels of development, political culture, public participation, and international commitments that shape the nature and dynamics of environmental politics and policy in different countries. Course POL 101 is recommended before taking this course.

Cannot enroll if Class is Freshman or Sophomore

POL 489     Seminar in Urban Politics     4 Credit Hours

Selected topics in urban politics. (OC).

POL 491     Seminar in Political Science     4 Credit Hours

Selected topics in political science. Title as listed in Schedule of Classes changes according to content. Course may be repeated for credit when topics differ. (OC).

POL 4910     Capstone in Political Science     4 Credit Hours

This course provides students with a culminating and integrative experience within political science. In particular, it is designed to ensure students discuss, critically evaluate, and actively engage with important issues and questions within the discipline. Students will be required to design and carry out significant research project(s).

Can enroll if Class is Junior or Senior

POL 495     Politics, Policy and Law Internship     4 Credit Hours

Field study placements in national, state, county, local government or private agencies. For the academic part of the internship, students keep journals, prepare papers and reports, and do other written work. Primarily for junior or senior political science concentrators or other qualified applicants. (YR).

POL 496     Canada Internship     3 to 4 Credit Hours

The course is primarily for rising junior or rising senior students with interests in political science or international relations, but students from a variety of majors are welcome.

POL 497     Washington, D.C. Internship     3 to 6 Credit Hours

Field placements in Washington, D.C. Course is offered only in summer semester. Primarily for junior or senior political science concentrators or other qualified applicants. Only six hours of internship credit is allowed toward concentration requirement.

POL 498     Directed Studies     1 to 6 Credit Hours

Directed individual study of any subject agreed upon by the student and the instructor. May not duplicate a formal course offering. (OC).

POL 499     Directed Studies     1 to 6 Credit Hours

Directed individual study of any subjects agreed upon by the student and the advising instructor, which shall not duplicate a formal course offering.

*An asterisk denotes that a course may be taken concurrently.

Frequency of Offering

The following abbreviations are used to denote the frequency of offering: (F) fall term; (W) winter term; (S) summer term; (F, W) fall and winter terms; (YR) once a year; (AY) alternating years; (OC) offered occasionally