Organizational Behavior (OB)
OB 354 Behavior in Organizations 3 Credit Hours
A survey course addressing the theory and practical application of organizational behavior concepts at the individual, group, and organizational levels. Topics include: personality and attitudes, motivation, groups and teams, leadership, power, ethics, structure and organizational design, culture, and decision-making.
Can enroll if Class is Junior or Senior
OB 401 Management Skills Development 3 Credit Hours
This course provides an opportunity to study the concepts, problems and techniques of managing the human resources of an organization with emphasis on application and skill building. Topics include: skills development for interviewing, counseling and appraising employees; work team leadership and development; group problem solving and decision making; management of intergroup relationship and conflict resolution.
Prerequisite(s): OB 354
Can enroll if Class is Junior or Senior
OB 402 Organizational Change & Devlp 3 Credit Hours
The purpose of this course is to introduce the theories, methods and practice of organizational change and development and to provide a conceptual framework for examples of planned change. Topics will include: processes of organizational change, intervention methods, sequencing and integration of change processes, change roles and role relations, change objectives and criteria for change.
Prerequisite(s): OB 354
OB 403 Negotiation and Conflict Mgt 3 Credit Hours
This course will explore negotiation, power, and conflict, outlining the components of effective negotiation. Distributive, integrative, multi-party, and cross-cultural negotiation situations will be considered. Students will gain experience in preparing and implementing negotiation through in-class negotiations.
Cannot enroll if Class is Freshman or Sophomore
OB 404 International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior 3 Credit Hours
This course examines the international dimensions of organizational behavior, including topics such as organizational and national culture, cross-cultural communication, and global aspects of leadership, motivation, and team management.
Prerequisite(s): OB 354
Cannot enroll if Class is Freshman or Sophomore
OB 485 Seminar:Organizational Behavr 1 to 3 Credit Hours
To provide students with an opportunity for intensive study in current selected areas related to the research activities and/or professional activities of faculty members. Permission of College of Business.
Can enroll if Class is Senior
Can enroll if College is Business
OB 485A Seminar:Organizational Behavr 3 Credit Hours
TOPIC TITLE: Industrial Training. To explore as completely as time will allow the Management/ Corporate training function. To experience various different methods of training and if time permits to visit on-site training locations. To conduct a group training program, one individual paper and two group projects will be required.
Can enroll if Class is Senior or Graduate
OB 495 Research:Organizational Behvr 1 to 3 Credit Hours
To provide the advanced student with the opportunity to undertake a research project under the supervision of a faculty member. At least two weeks prior to registration in the term when such a course is to be elected, an interested student must submit to the dean of the school a written request for permission to elect a research course, on a form available in the school office. The request will include a description of the proposed research project. The dean will review the proposal with faculty members to ascertain availability of relevant faculty supervision and to establish appropriate credit. Permission of College of Business.
Can enroll if Class is Senior
Can enroll if College is Business
*An asterisk denotes that a course may be taken concurrently.
Frequency of Offering
The following abbreviations are used to denote the frequency of offering: (F) fall term; (W) winter term; (S) summer term; (F, W) fall and winter terms; (YR) once a year; (AY) alternating years; (OC) offered occasionally