Entrepreneurship (ENT)
ENT 400 Entrepreneurial Thinking&Behav 3 Credit Hours
This course introduces entrepreneurship as an approach to one’s life and career advancement. It explores how entrepreneurial thought can create change and opportunities in many organizations, including large corporations, small business, and communities. The course will focus on how the entrepreneurial mindset is a toolkit that can be taught and how entrepreneurial skills empower individuals to bring about change. Students will be challenged to push the boundaries to identify unmet customer needs that are demanded by various demographics. Important aspects of the course include a careful analysis of the following: opportunity recognition, design thinking, market assessment, effective communication, operational partners, strategic management, and financial planning. Students will be exposed to resources from urban areas including speakers with experience and expertise in the entrepreneurial community.
Can enroll if Class is Junior or Senior
ENT 401 New Venture Planning 3 Credit Hours
Full Title: New Venture Planning and Entrepreneurial Processes. This course focuses on the research, planning, and strategies that are critical in the process of pursuing a new venture. Particular focus will be given to the business model and key resources to support the early stages of both large and small ventures. The business model canvas will be used to understand how a venture creates, delivers, and captures value. Students will critically analyze businesses, products, and services and, in a team, they will create their own plan to implement a venture. (YR)
Prerequisite(s): ENT 400
ENT 402 Entrep, Corp Entrep & Society 3 Credit Hours
Full Title: Entrepreneurship, Corporate Entrepreneurship, and Society. Students in this course examineis entrepreneurship from historical, philosophical, economic, and sociological lenses. The course helps students understand the origins of the field and the role of entrepreneurship in the allocation and distribution of scarce resources for wealth and prosperity in society. From this foundation, students examine entrepreneurship"s influence on contemporary world issues. The course finishes by examining how different types of entrepreneurship opportunities (i.e., types of business being pursued) result in fundamentally different organizational structures, each with unique requirements for entrepreneurial success. (YR)
Prerequisite(s): ENT 400
ENT 403 Social Entrepreneurship 3 Credit Hours
The purpose of this course is to expose students to social entrepreneurship concepts and theories to help them learn how community leadership can facilitate the social entrepreneurship process for positive community change (i.e. social impact). This experiential learning course is designed for students who wish to integrate entrepreneurial problem-solving skills with strategic social innovation concepts to affect positive social change in underserved communities. This course appeals to students who have a strong desire to become, advise, or support social entrepreneurs, or work in a start-up, early stage, or entrepreneurial-minded company or community organization that creates positive social impact using a for-profit business model. Note that this is an academic service-learning (ASL) course, where students will interact with entrepreneurs and organizations in the community to develop a comprehensive business plan to address a pressing social problem. (YR)
Can enroll if Class is Junior or Senior
Can enroll if Level is Undergraduate
*An asterisk denotes that a course may be taken concurrently.
Frequency of Offering
The following abbreviations are used to denote the frequency of offering: (F) fall term; (W) winter term; (S) summer term; (F, W) fall and winter terms; (YR) once a year; (AY) alternating years; (OC) offered occasionally