Engineering Core (ENGR)

ENGR 095     CECS First Year Seminars     1 Credit Hour

The goal of this course is to set first year CECS students off to a good start and increase opportunities for their success. It is designed to provide students the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills for successful transition to engineering and computer science pathways through engaging and immersive activities. The topics covered in the course include (but are not limited to) time management, wellness and well-being, study skills and exam preparation, engagement with student orgs and teams, engineering and computer science hands-on activities/projects, major exploration, internships and research for undergraduates. The course is required for all CECS students placed in Math 080 or Math 090 during their first semester at UM-Dearborn. The course is also available to other first semester freshmen in CECS majors and programs. (F, W).

Can enroll if Major is

ENGR 100     Introduction to Engineering and Engineering Design     3 Credit Hours

The purpose of this course is to provide a general introduction to the engineering profession, to engineering design, and programming using MATLAB. The course introduces the design-build-test-learn cycle through lectures, hands-on based laboratory activities, and a team project. Three credit hours (two-hour lecture, three-hour laboratory per week). (F, W).

Corequisite(s): ENGR 100L

Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science

ENGR 126     Engineering Computer Graphics     2 Credit Hours

Principles of solid modeling and the representation of solid models using both conventional drawing and computer graphics. Orthographic representation of points, lines, planes and solids. Reference planes. Auxiliary views. Sections, conventions, dimensioning. Fundamentals of computer-assisted graphics in engineering disciplines. Three-dimensional modeling using computer graphics software. Two-hour lectures and two-hour laboratory.

Corequisite(s): ENGR 126L

Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science

ENGR 216     Computer Meth for Engineers     2 Credit Hours

Computer programming in Matlab or another language used in engineering and applications to basic techniques of numerical analysis. Numerical integration, solution of systems of linear equations, root finding, curve fitting, error properties, numerical precision. Students complete a project, in which they develop and test an engineering data-processing code. (F, W).

Prerequisite(s): ENGR 100 and ENGR 126* and ((MATH 216* and (MATH 217* or MATH 227*) or) or MATH 228*)

Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science

ENGR 250     Principles of Eng Materials     3 Credit Hours

An introductory course in engineering materials. Particular emphasis is given to the correlation of material properties and internal structures; structure of materials; stress- strain curves; temperature effects; phase diagrams; ferrous and non-ferrous alloys; ceramics; polymers; composites; electrical, magnetic, and optical properties; corrosion and failure. Two-hour lectures and two one-hour recitations.

Prerequisite(s): (CHEM 144 or CHEM 134) and (CHEM 146* or CHEM 136*) and MATH 115*

Corequisite(s): ENGR 250R

Cannot enroll if Class is
Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science

ENGR 250R     Prin of Eng Materials Rec     0 Credit Hours

Recitation component for ENGR 250. Must be taken concurrently with ENGR 250.

Corequisite(s): ENGR 250

ENGR 290     Study Abroad Technical Subj     1 to 4 Credit Hours

200-level study abroad course in technical subjects.

Can enroll if Class is Freshman or Sophomore or Junior or Senior
Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science

ENGR 332     Speech for Professionals     3 Credit Hours

Professionals must effectively communicate in the technical and business environment of a company organization. The course pays particular attention to verbal communications within and between organizations, focusing on multiple audiences and their varying needs for information. Stressing audience awareness, organization, clarity and efficiency in speaking, it will improve speaking skills necessary for confident verbal presentations such as professional briefings and conferences.

ENGR 350     Nanoscience and Nanotechnology     4 Credit Hours

The terms "nanoscience" and "nanotechnology" have come to mean many different scientific and technical disciplines. The course will introduce students to the fundamentals of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Interesting phenomena about individual nanometer scale objects will be discussed. The difference in properties of objects of nanometer scale, containing hundreds or thousands of atoms and those exhibited by individual atoms or molecules or the properties of materials at the macroscale with which we are most familiar will be covered. The analytical techniques that are used to characterize these objects will be discussed. The manufacturing techniques used to make these objects along with their applications will be covered. Cost benefit analysis of nanotechnology and its future will be discussed. (YR)

Prerequisite(s): PHYS 151 and (CHEM 124 or CHEM 134 or CHEM 144)

Cannot enroll if Major is

ENGR 360     Design Thinking : Process, Method & Practice     4 Credit Hours

Design Thinking: Process, Method and Practice is a highly interactive project-based introduction to design, structured as a hands-on course. This course brings a holistic vision to design innovation. Students work in teams that follow a process of immersion of user experiences, exploration of ideas and prototyping of potential solutions. To work effectively as a team, collaboration and project management concepts and methods are introduced. The course consists of two instructional elements: regular class lectures and in class hands-on exercises based on case studies. In addition, a semester long team based project allows students to apply classroom learnings to real life design problems. Teams present their design concepts, showcase prototypes in engaging and thoughtful ways. (F, W).

Cannot enroll if Class is

ENGR 390     Study Abroad Technical Subj     1 to 4 Credit Hours

300-Level study abroad topics in technical subjects.

Can enroll if Class is Freshman or Sophomore or Junior or Senior
Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science

ENGR 390F     Study Abroad Technicl Subj     3 Credit Hours

Topic: Fuel Cell Principles. In this course the physical laws of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics will be applied to industrial components and equipment. Approved as an upper-level ME elective.

Prerequisite(s): ME 230

ENGR 399     Experiential Honors Prof. Prac     1 Credit Hour

Full Course Title: Experiential Honors Professional Practice-To provide undergraduate engineering and computer science students with an opportunity to develop skills, abilities, and behaviors through both hands-on learning and exposure to the professional work environment. The course provides supervised work experiences relevant to their degree programs with mutually agreed upon engineering work assignments among the student, employer and faculty advisor. (F,W,S)

Prerequisite(s): CIS 275 or (ECE 210 and ECE 273) or (IMSE 255 and IMSE 317) or ((ME 230 or ME 260) and (ENGR 126 and ENGR 216 and ENGR 250))

Can enroll if Class is Junior or Senior
Can enroll if Level is Undergraduate
Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science

ENGR 400     Appl Business Tech for Engr     3 Credit Hours

This course will introduce the students those business skills/tools that will be needed in their jobs soon after graduation and will make them better and well-rounded engineers. They will be able to function better within today's global business environment. The major topics of the course are management finance including cost accounting, organizational behavior, program and project management and business related system thinking. Three hours of lecture per week. (F, W, S).

Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate NCFD or Senior
Can enroll if Level is Undergraduate or Professional Development

ENGR 490     Study Abroad Technical Subj     1 to 4 Credit Hours

400-level study abroad course in technical subjects.

Can enroll if Class is Freshman or Sophomore or Junior or Senior
Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science

ENGR 492     Exper Honors Directed Research     1 Credit Hour

Full Title: Experiential Honors Directed Research. The Experiential Honor Directed Research project involves performing laboratory/experiential research under the supervision of a faculty member. The course involves regular meetings with the supervising faculty member and reading relevant research articles. Engineering student are expected to design and conduct experiments, and to analyze and interpret data. Computing students are expected to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution. A research project report and an oral presentation are expected at the end of the semester. (F,W,S)

Can enroll if Class is Junior or Senior
Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science

ENGR 493     Exper Hnrs Dir Dsgn     1 Credit Hour

Full Title: Experiential Honors Directed Design The Experiential Honors Directed Design project involves the design, analysis, building and testing of software (a computer-based system, process, component, or program) or hardware (a component, assembly, device or system) to meet desired needs. A design project report and an oral presentation are expected at the end of the semester. (F,W,S)

Can enroll if Class is Junior or Senior
Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science

*An asterisk denotes that a course may be taken concurrently.

Frequency of Offering

The following abbreviations are used to denote the frequency of offering: (F) fall term; (W) winter term; (S) summer term; (F, W) fall and winter terms; (YR) once a year; (AY) alternating years; (OC) offered occasionally