Industrial and Systems/Manufacturing Engineering

Students with an interest in both areas can pursue a dual BSE program in Industrial Systems and Manufacturing Engineering and thus can earn two BSE degrees at the same time:

  • BSE degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering
  • BSE degree in Manufacturing Engineering

The dual degree program requires specified coursework that equals a minimum of 143 total credits.  

Dearborn Discovery Core (General Education)

All students must satisfy the University’s Dearborn Discovery Core requirements, in addition to the requirements for the major

Major Requirements

A candidate for the dual Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E. in Industrial and Systems Engineering and B.S.E. in Manufacturing Engineering) is required to pursue scholastic quality and to complete satisfactorily the following program of study:

Prerequisite Courses

COMP 270Tech Writing for Engineers (Also fulfills 3 credits of DDC Written and Oral Communication)3
ECON 201Prin: Macroeconomics (Also fulfills 3 credits of DDC Social and Behavioral Analysis)3
or ECON 202 Prin: Microeconomics
MATH 115Calculus I4
MATH 116Calculus II4
MATH 215Calculus III4
MATH 228Diff Eqns with Linear Algebra4
CHEM 134General Chemistry IA4
CHEM 136General Chemistry IIA4
or BIOL 140 Intro Molec & Cellular Biology
PHYS 150General Physics I4
PHYS 151General Physics II4
ENGR 100Introduction to Engineering and Engineering Design 3
ENGR 126Engineering Computer Graphics2
ME 230Thermodynamics4
IMSE 255Computer Programming for Eng3
ENGR 250Principles of Eng Materials3
ME 260Design Stress Analyses4
or ME 265 Applied Mechanics
ECE 305Intro to Electrical Eng4

Dual Major in IEMG Courses

Major Core Courses:
IMSE 3005Intro to Operations Research4
IMSE 317Eng Probability and Statistics3
IMSE 382Manufacturing Processes4
IMSE 421Eng Economy and Dec Anlys3
IMSE 440Applied stat models in engin3
IMSE 4555Systems Engineering: Processes, Methods and Practice4
IMSE 4425Human Factors and Ergonomics4
IMSE 4585Simulation in Systems Design4
IMSE 4675Six Sigma & Stat Proc Improv4
IMSE 4745Facilities Design4
IMSE 4795Prod, Inven Control & Lean Mfg4
IMSE 4825Industrial Controls4
or ME 442 Control Systems Analysis and Design
IMSE 4835Comp.-Aided Prcs Desgn & Mfg4
IMSE 4951Design Project I2
IMSE 4952Design Project II2
Choose one course from:
IMSE 381Industrial Robots4
IMSE 488Metal Forming Processes3
ENGR 350Nanoscience and Nanotechnology4
ME 460Design for Manufacturing3
ME 4191Structural Mech & Design4
Technical & Professional Electives
Select minimum 7 credits from the following:
Financial Accounting
Managerial Accounting
Database Mgmt Systems
Design Thinking : Process, Method & Practice
Appl Business Tech for Engr
Experiential Honors Prof. Prac
Exper Honors Directed Research
Exper Hnrs Dir Dsgn
Entrepreneurial Thinking&Behav
Data Struc & Algorithm Anlysis
Human Computer Interaction for UI & UX Design
Design for Assembly & Mfg
Behavior in Organizations
Management Skills Development
Organizational Change & Devlp
The Legal Environment of Bus
Mktg Principles and Policies
General Electives
General Electives - as needed to reach at least 143 credits.