Electrical and Computer Engineering

Students with an interest in both areas can pursue a dual BSE program in Electrical and Computer Engineering and thus can earn two BSE degrees at the same time:

  • BSE degree in Electrical Engineering
  • BSE degree in Computer Engineering

The dual degree program requires specified coursework that equals a minimum of 141 total credits.  

Dearborn Discovery Core (General Education)

All students must satisfy the University’s Dearborn Discovery Core requirements, in addition to the requirements for the major

Major Requirements

In addition to completion of the Dearborn Discovery Core, the following courses are required to earn a dual BSE degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from UM-Dearborn. 

Prerequisite Courses

COMP 270Tech Writing for Engineers (Fulfills 3 credits of DDC Written and Oral Communication)3
ECON 201Prin: Macroeconomics (Fulfills 3 credits of DDC Social and Behavioral Analysis)3
or ECON 202 Prin: Microeconomics
ENGR 100Introduction to Engineering and Engineering Design 3
MATH 115Calculus I4
MATH 116Calculus II4
MATH 215Calculus III4
MATH 228Diff Eqns with Linear Algebra4
IMSE 317Eng Probability and Statistics3
ECE 276Discrete Math in Computer Engr4
or MATH 276 Discrete Math Meth Comptr Engr
CHEM 134General Chemistry IA4
PHYS 150General Physics I4
PHYS 151General Physics II4
ECE 273Digital Systems4
ECE 270Computer Methods in ECE I4
ECE 210Circuits4

Dual Major in EECE Courses

Major Core20
ECE 311Electronic Circuits I4
ECE 3171Analog & Discrete Sig & Sys4
ECE 3731Microproc and Embedded Sys4
ECE 370Adv Soft Techn in Comp Engr4
ECE 375Intro to Comp Architecture4
ECE 385Elec Materials and Devices3
ECE 450Analog and Digital Comm Sys4
ECE 460Automatic Control Systems4
ECE 471Comp Networks/Data Comm4
ECE 473Embedded System Design4
ECE 475Comp Hardware Org/Design4
ECE 478Operating Systems4
ECE 480Intro to Dig Signal Processing4
ECE 4951Sys Desgn and Microcontrollers3
ENT 400Entrepreneurial Thinking&Behav3
ECE 4981Electrical Engineering Des I2
or ECE 4982 Computer Engineering Des I
ECE 4983Electrical Engin Design II2
or ECE 4984 Computer Engin Design II
EECE Electives 17-8
Select one course (3-4 credits) from the following:
ECE 319Electromagnetic Compatibility4
ECE 414Electronic Systems Design4
ECE 415Power Electronics3
ECE 4361Electric Machines and Drives3
ECE 435Intro to Mobil/Smrt Dev & Tech4
ECE 4432Renewable Elec Pwr Sys4
ENGR 492Exper Honors Directed Research1
ENGR 493Exper Hnrs Dir Dsgn1
Select one course (3-4 credits) from the following:
ECE 413Intro to VLSI Design3
ECE 4881Introduction to Robot Vision3
ENGR 399Experiential Honors Prof. Prac1
ENGR 492Exper Honors Directed Research1
ENGR 493Exper Hnrs Dir Dsgn1

If ENGR 100 was completed for 2 credits, 8 credits of EECE Electives will be required.