Cybersecurity and Information Assurance

In the last ten years, there has been much data demonstrating that there is a rapid rise in the incidence of cyber-attacks targeting individuals, organizations, and even countries. Consequently, cybersecurity and information assurance are the US government's top priorities, as seen in various Presidential Directives and the US Justice Department document High Priority Criminal Justice Technology Needs. The US has identified cybersecurity as one of the rising workforce areas, from both public and private sectors. The Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity and Information Assurance (CIA) program at the Department of Computer and Information Science aims to educate and train an elite, diverse cadre of students, who are ready to address real-world computer security and criminal justice challenges. It will also benefit any individual who is interested in advancing their knowledge of computer security and privacy.

Cybersecurity and Privacy Concentration

The Cybersecurity and Privacy (CP) concentration educates students in the fundamentals and principles of cybersecurity and privacy and provides students with labs and experiences that encourage creative thinking.  It is built upon a rigorous undergraduate background in computer and information science. Students in this concentration study fundamental security and privacy concepts such as confidentiality, integrity, access control, security architecture and systems, attack/defense. This concentration also provides a sequence of courses that cover unique security and privacy issues in various application areas, ranging from computer security to network security, from wired security to wireless security, from data security to application security, from every day security to enterprise security. 

Digital Forensics Concentration

Digital Forensics (DF) is the area of computer science concerned with the examination and analysis of computer hard drives, storage devices, cell phones, tablets, or any electronic device that may hold evidence which could be used in a court of law. The device could be as simple as a cell phone or as complex as a main server for a large corporation. The digital forensics analyst uncovers and preserves data for later use as legal evidence, and analyzes the data in light of a particular crime or criminal or civil investigation. This may involve determining how hackers or unauthorized persons gained access to information or computer systems as well as where and how they navigated within the system.

Digital forensics specialists recover files and emails or other electronic correspondence that have been deleted or erased. They also recover data after hardware or software failure, and develop means to harden computer, cyber, and data security against loss, corruption, sabotage, or external attack.

Program Educational Objectives:

  1. Our graduates will be successfully employed in Cybersecurity and Information Assurance related fields or other career paths, including industrial, academic, governmental, and non-governmental organizations, or will be successful graduate students in a program preparing them for such employment.
  2. Our graduates will lead and participate in culturally diverse and inclusive teams, becoming global and ethical collaborators.
  3. Our graduates will continue their professional development through, for example, obtaining continuing education credits, professional registration or certifications, or post-graduate study credits or degrees.

Student Outcomes:

To achieve the educational objectives of the program, graduates of the BS in CIA program will have an ability to:

  1. Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  2. Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  3. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  4. Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  5. Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
  6. Apply security principles and practices to maintain operations in the presence of risks and threats.

Dearborn Discovery Core (General Education)

All students must satisfy the University’s Dearborn Discovery Core requirements, in addition to the requirements for the major

In addition to completion of the Dearborn Discovery Core, the following courses are required to earn a B.S. degree in Cybersecurity and Information Assurance from UM-Dearborn.

Major Requirements

Prerequisite Courses
COMP 105Writing & Rhetoric I3
COMP 270Tech Writing for Engineers (Also fulfills 3 credits of DDC Written and Oral Communication)3
ECON 201Prin: Macroeconomics3
or ECON 202 Prin: Microeconomics
MATH 115Calculus I4
MATH 116Calculus II4
MATH 227Introduction to Linear Algebra3
ACC 298Financial Accounting3
CIS 150Computer Science I4
CIS 200Computer Science II4
CIS 275Discrete Structures I4
CRJ 200Intro to Criminal Justice (Also fulfills 3 credits of DDC Social and Behavioral Analysis)3
IMSE 317Eng Probability and Statistics3
PHIL 240Ethics (Also fulfills 3 credits of DDC Humanities and the Arts)3
Select one laboratory science sequence from the following:
Intro Org and Environ Biology
and Field Biology
General Chemistry IA
and General Chemistry IIA
Physical Geology
and Historical Geology
Introductory Physics I
and Introductory Physics II
General Physics I
and General Physics II
CIA Major Core
CIS 310Computer Org and Assembly Lang4
CIS 350Data Struc and Algorithm Anlys4
CIS 375Software Engineering I4
CIS 421Database Mgmt Systems4
CIS 427Comp Networks and Dis Process4
CIS 435Web Technology3
CIS 450Operating Systems4
CIS 4951Design Seminar I2
CIS 4952Design Seminar II2
OB 354Behavior in Organizations (Also fulfills 3 credits of DDC Social and Behavioral Analysis)3
Students must choose a concentration in Digital Forensics or Cybersecurity and Privacy. Concentration requirements listed below.21-24

 CIA Electives

CIA Electives4-7
Students must select electives not already used to fulfill the concentration or intersection requirements of your degree. Concentration courses and technical electives must total 28 credit hours.
Software Engineering Tools
Prac. Comp. Sec.
Software Engineering II
Industrial Robots
Introduction to Digital Forensics
Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Introduction to Quantum Computing
Information Systems
Mobile App Des & Impl
Advanced Networking
Text Mining and Information Retrieval
Wireless & Mobi Comp Security
Intro Computr & Ntwrk Security
Intro to Software Security
Network and Mobile Forensics
Soft Arch & Design Patterns
Intro to Artificial Intel
Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
Deep Learning
Data Security and Privacy
Computer Game Design & Implem
Edge Computing
Cyber Crimes & Digital Evidence
Digital Evidence
Forensic Science
Topics in Criminal Jusice
Intro to Microprocessors
Multimedia Forensics
Digi Content Protec
Cloud Computing
Intro to Mobil/Smrt Dev & Tech
Embedded System Design
Design Thinking : Process, Method & Practice
Experiential Honors Prof. Prac
Appl Business Tech for Engr
Exper Honors Directed Research
Exper Hnrs Dir Dsgn
Entrepreneurial Thinking&Behav
Eng Economy and Dec Anlys
General Electives0-6
Any 100 to 400 level course, (that is, courses not on the No Credit list, which is found at the end of the CECS Student Handbook), with no more than 6 credits, as needed to get a minimum of 120 credits for graduation.

CIA students must choose a concentration in Cybersecurity and Privacy or Digital Forensics.  Concentration requirements are listed below.

Cybersecurity and Privacy Concentration Requirements

CIA-Cybersecurity and Privacy Required22
CIS 316Prac. Comp. Sec.3
CIS 446Wireless & Mobi Comp Security3
CIS 447Intro Computr & Ntwrk Security3
CIS 4851Data Security and Privacy3
CRJ 409Intel and Homeland Security3
ECE 427Digi Content Protec4
or CIS 449 Intro to Software Security
MATH 396Introduction to Cryptography3

Digital Forensics Concentration Requirements

CIA-Digital Forensics Required23
CIS 387Digital Forensics I4
CIS 467Digital Forensics II4
CIS 447Intro Computr & Ntwrk Security3
or ECE 426 Multimedia Forensics
or ECE 427 Digi Content Protec
CRJ 468Criminology3
CRJ 475Digital Evidence3
CRJ 487Forensic Science Evidence in Criminal Cases3
CRJ 409Intel and Homeland Security3
or CRJ 474 Cyber Crimes

Learning Goals

  1. Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  2. Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  3. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  4. Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  5. Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
  6. Apply security principles and practices to maintain operations in the presence of risks and threats.