Artificial Intelligence

Undergraduate students in the College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters (CASL), the College of Business (COB), and the College of Education, Health, and Human Services (CEHHS), as well as engineering majors in CECS, may pursue a minor in Artificial Intelligence. Students fill out a Declaration of Minor Form at their school or college’s advising office to declare a minor. 

The minor in Artificial Intelligence requires a minimum of 26 credits of CIS courses with a minimum 2.00 GPA in the courses.

Artificial Intelligence Minor

The minor in Artificial Intelligence requires a minimum of 26 credits of CIS courses (with a minimum 2.00 GPA in the courses), which must include the following:

CIS 150Computer Science I 14
CIS 200Computer Science II 14
CIS 275Discrete Structures I 14
CIS 350Data Struc and Algorithm Anlys 14
CIS 306Discrete Structures II4
CIS 479Intro to Artificial Intel3
Select one course from the following:3
Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Text Mining and Information Retrieval
Computational Learning
Total Credit Hours26

Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering majors may use the courses below (but only as substitute pre-requisites for the AI minor) in order to take CIS 350:

  • ECE 270 (4) for CIS 150 (4)
  • ECE 370 (4) for CIS 200 (4)
  • ECE 276 (4) for CIS 275 (4) 


1. Engineering majors must take fourteen (14) credits of approved 300/400-level CIS courses not otherwise being used for their major. That is, any 300/400-level CIS courses being used for an engineering major cannot be used to satisfy the Artificial Intelligence minor.