Secondary Certification Teaching Major/Minor Mathematics

Major Requirements

A minimum of 30 semester hours from courses numbered above MATH 105 is required.

Required Courses
MATH 115Calculus I4
MATH 116Calculus II4
MATH 215Calculus III4
MATH 227Introduction to Linear Algebra3
MATH 228Diff Eqns with Linear Algebra4
MATH 300Math Lang Proof & Struct3
MATH 331Survey of Geometry3
MATH 412Introduction to Modern Algebra3
MATH 442Geometry for Teachers3
or MATH 444 Data Anlsys,Prob&Stat forTchrs
Recomended electives:3
Discrete Math Meth Comptr Engr
Elementary Number Theory
Linear Algebra
Functions of a Complex Variable with Applications
Mathematical Modeling
Supplementary requirements (not included in the 30 hours):
Computer Science I
Computing Environ for Math
Applied Statistics I
Total Credit Hours34

Major Notes:

  1. A minimum GPA of 2.75 is required for a major.
  2. For the major, 12 semester hours must be in courses numbered 300 or above.
  3. At least 15 semester hours in UM-Dearborn courses required for a major.

Program Notes:

  1. Minimum GPA's are required for program completion: 2.75 cumulative, 2.75 in major, 2.75 in minor, and 2.75 in Professional Studies.
  2. Advising Policy:  The student is responsible for complying with requirements described in the Undergraduate Catalog as well as on the Four Phase Checklist.  Students are expected to meet with their College of Education, Health, and Human Services advisor at least once per year and in the term prior to graduation.
  3. Courses taken on a PASS/FAIL basis will NOT be accepted toward program completion.
  4. CEHHS recommends successful program completers for State of Michigan Certification, however, it is ultimately up to the State of Michigan to issue certificates.  Certain offenses on a criminal record can keep individuals from obtaining teacher certification.  Please refer to The Revised School Code, Act 451 of 1976, section 380.1539b.
  5. Initial certification program students must have passing scores on the appropriate MTTC subject area test reported to the University of Michigan-Dearborn College of Education, Health, and Human Services by electronic delivery or direct mail from Pearson Evaluation Systems prior to student teaching. 
  6. Certified teachers pursuing an endorsement in a post-degree program must complete all program requirements and have passing scores on the appropriate MTTC subject area test reported to the University of Michigan-Dearborn College of Education, Health, and Human Services by electronic delivery or direct mail from Pearson Evaluation Systems prior to a recommendation being made to the State of Michigan Department of Education. 

Minor Requirements

A minimum of 21 semester hours from courses numbered above MATH 105 is required.

Required Courses
MATH 115Calculus I4
MATH 116Calculus II4
MATH 227Introduction to Linear Algebra3
MATH 300Math Lang Proof & Struct3
MATH 331Survey of Geometry3
EDD 451Practicum: Math Second School1
MATH 442Geometry for Teachers3
or MATH 444 Data Anlsys,Prob&Stat forTchrs
Recomended electives, if needed:
Calculus III
Discrete Math Meth Comptr Engr
Elementary Number Theory
Introduction to Modern Algebra
Functions of a Complex Variable with Applications
Mathematical Modeling
Applied Statistics I (or a course in data analysis and probability)
Supplementary requirements (not included in the 21 hours):
Computer Science I
Computing Environ for Math
or a programming course in C++, Basic or Logo
Total Credit Hours21

Minor Notes:

  1. A minimum GPA of 2.75 is required for a minor.
  2. For the minor, 6 semester hours must be in courses numbered 300 or above.