Instructional Design and Learning Technologies

Program Description

The Bachelor of Arts in Instructional Design & Learning Technologies is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary degree that empowers students to shape the future of education and training through the application of modern technologies and design principles. 

The program delivers a rich blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience to help students understand, evaluate and create innovative learning experiences across varied educational and professional settings. An engaging and contemporary curriculum covers essential areas such as instructional design, e-learning, mobile learning, multimedia design, learning analytics, emerging learning technologies, and digital literacy.

Students will learn to build effective educational materials and programs, evaluate the efficacy of learning technologies, understand the pedagogical theories and principles underlying their use, and understand the ethical and societal effects of technology on learning. This will provide them with competencies required to work as instructional designers, e-learning developers, or training specialists in academic institutions, corporations, non-profit organizations, and government bodies.

Apart from classroom learning, students are given several opportunities to engage in hands-on projects, internships, and research, working closely alongside expert faculty and industry leaders. This enables students to apply their learned theories and techniques to real-world situations, preparing them for successful careers in the rapidly evolving field of instructional design and learning technologies including:

  • Instructional Designer
  • Corporate Training Developer
  • Employee Training Manager
  • Instructional Specialist

Instructional Technology is a field concerned with improving the efficiency and effectiveness of learning, performance improvement, and instructional delivery by using appropriate technology. The programs goals include:

  •  Design instruction using needs assessment
  •  Apply learning theory to instructional design
  •  Select a delivery system for the specific learning environment
  •  Integrate instruction with other factors that influence human performance
  •  Use technology in support of the development and delivery of instruction

4+1 Instructional Design and Learning Technologies Accelerated Program

The Master of Arts in Instructional Design and Learning Technologies Accelerated Program, or 4+1 program, is designed for undergraduate students in the Instructional Design and Learning Technologies major who have the interest, and demonstrated ability, to pursue the MA in Instructional Design and Learning Technologies. The program is designed to allow students who complete the BA in Instructional Design and Learning Technologies to fulfill the requirements of the MA in Instructional Design and Learning Technologies with one additional year of graduate study.  This will be achieved by combining a portion of undergraduate and graduate coursework as described below.


To be eligible for the program, a student must:

  • Be enrolled in the undergraduate Instructional Design and Learning Technologies program at the University of Michigan-Dearborn.
  • Have a 3.0 cumulative GPA or better.
  • Have earned at least 60 credits at the undergraduate level.

Double Counting Credits

1. The 4+1 Masters program allows current UM-Dearborn undergraduate Instructional Design and Learning Technologies majors to complete both the BA in Instructional Design and Learning Technologies and MA in Instructional Design and Learning Technologies degrees in an accelerated format. 4+1 students can double-count up to 15 credits of 500-level or above courses. Double-counting these 15 credits between the BA in Instructional Design and Learning Technologies and MA in Instructional Design and Learning Technologies saves students a total of 5 classes. The courses eligible to be double-counted include: EDT 501, 502, 514, 520, 522, 530, and 562. Students must complete the graduate level coursework with a “B” or better to maintain their eligibility in the 4+1 program.

2. At least one additional year of graduate work (at least 15 credits) would be needed to complete the Master's program.

3. The double-counted classes appear on both the undergraduate and graduate transcripts.  Students are graded based on the graduate grading scheme for all graduate courses elected. Only graduate level courses can be double counted towards both the undergraduate and graduate degree.  Students are not allowed to count undergraduate coursework towards a graduate degree.

Please see the College's website for admission requirements and program details.

Dearborn Discovery Core (General Education)

All students must satisfy the University’s Dearborn Discovery Core requirements, in addition to the requirements for the major

Major Requirements (48 Cr. Hrs.) 

EDT 401Research, Trends, and Issues in Learning Technologies3
EDT 402Emerging Learning Technologies and Concepts3
EDT 414Instructional Design Fundamentals3
EDT 420Online Learning Design and Development3
EDT 422Curriculum and Training Development3
EDT 430Assistive Technology3
EDT 462Internship in Instructional Design and Learning Technologies3
EDC 400Learning Theories and Practices3
COMM 340Professional Communication3
BA 320Project Management and Leadership Skills 3
ISM 310Info Systems in Management3
ISM 383Info Technology Security3
Total Credit Hours36

Students admitted to the 4+1 Instructional Design and Learning Technologies  Program may substitute a maximum of 15 credits of courses from the following: EDT 501 for EDT 401, EDT 502 for EDT 402, EDT 514 for EDT 414, EDT 520 for EDT 420, EDT 522 for EDT 422, EDT 530 for EDT 430, or EDT 562 for EDT 462.

Specialization Courses: Choose three-four courses (12-14 Cr. Hrs.)

ART 210Beginning Digital Design3
ISM 301Bus Application Programming3
OB 354Behavior in Organizations3
COMM 220Intro to Media & Culture3
HHS 403Medical Information Systems3
HHS 406Program Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation4
HHS 470Information Science and Ethics3
JASS 309Video for Social Media4
JASS 315Media Production for Metropolitan Community4
JASS 405Storytelling, Experiments, and Play4
PHIL 360Philosophy of Technology4
ENGR 360Design Thinking : Process, Method & Practice4
BA 330Managerial Communication3
ISM 321Database Systems I3
ISM 351Networking and Collab Comp3

Total Credit Hours for the Major: minimum 48


Additional Electives will be required to meet minimum credit hours for graduation. Please refer to Dearborn Discovery Core requirements to ensure these are met.

Total Hrs. for Degree: 120 total credit hours required for graduation. 

Program Notes:

  1. All College of Education, Health, and Human Services undergraduate students are required to take the Composition Placement Test by the end of the first semester they are enrolled in classes.
  2. The minimum grade point average requirement for program completion is 2.0 cumulative and 2.0 in major.
  3. Advising Policy: The student is responsible for complying with requirements described in the Undergraduate Catalog and is expected to meet with their College of Education, Health, and Human Services advisor at least once a year and in the term prior to graduation.
  4. Courses taken on a PASS/FAIL basis will NOT be accepted toward program completion.
  5. Must meet Dearborn Discovery Core Requirements.

Program Description

The minor in Instructional Design & Learning Technologies delivers a rich blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience to help students understand, evaluate and create innovative learning experiences across varied educational and professional settings. An engaging and contemporary curriculum covers essential areas such as instructional design, e-learning, mobile learning, multimedia design, learning analytics, emerging learning technologies, and digital literacy.  Students will build competencies required to work as instructional designers, e-learning developers, or training specialists in academic institutions, corporations, non-profit organizations, and government bodies.

Instructional Technology is a field concerned with improving the efficiency and effectiveness of learning, performance improvement, and instructional delivery by using appropriate technology. The programs goals include:

  •  Design instruction using needs assessment
  •  Apply learning theory to instructional design
  •  Select a delivery system for the specific learning environment
  •  Integrate instruction with other factors that influence human performance
  •  Use technology in support of the development and delivery of instruction

Minor Requirements 

EDT 401Research, Trends, and Issues in Learning Technologies3
EDT 402Emerging Learning Technologies and Concepts3
EDT 414Instructional Design Fundamentals3
EDT 420Online Learning Design and Development3
Select one of the following:3
Curriculum and Training Development
Assistive Technology
Internship in Instructional Design and Learning Technologies
Learning Theories and Practices
Total Credit Hours15

Learning Goals

  1. Design instruction using needs assessment
  2. Apply learning theory to instructional design
  3. Select a delivery system for the specific learning environment
  4. Integrate instruction with other factors that influence human performance
  5. Use technology in support of the development and delivery of instruction