Human Resource Management

The Human Resources Management major courses are designed as fundamental preparation for positions in human resource management, industrial relations, or general management. A Human Resources Management major would also be valuable to students who are not contemplating a career in human resources, as these courses provide knowledge and skills for selecting, developing, motivating, retaining, evaluating, and directing employees - skills needed by managers in any technical or business domain.

 In addition to major requirements, students must complete the BBA Degree Requirements.

Dearborn Discovery Core (General Education)

All students must satisfy the University’s Dearborn Discovery Core requirements, in addition to the requirements for the major.  

Major Requirements

HRM 305Human Resource Policy/Admin3
HRM 406Talent Sourcing & Acquisition3
HRM 407Compensation & Performance Mgt3
HRM 408Legal Issues in Human Resource3
HRM 409Talent & Leadership Develop3
Select two courses from the following:6
Business Internship 1
Data Mining for Bus Intel
Labor in the American Economy
Economics of the Labor Sector
Seminar:Human Resource Mgmt
Research:Human Rsrch Mgmt
Digital Consumer Srch&Mktg
Management Skills Development
Organizational Change & Devlp
Negotiation and Conflict Mgt
International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior
Seminar:Organizational Behavr
Research:Organizational Behvr
Diversity and the Workplace
Total Credit Hours21

HRM majors may be eligible to apply internship credit (BI 350 or 450) towards a HRM elective course.  These internships must be approved in advance by the discipline faculty and department chairperson.  Please see an advisor for specific details.

Human Resource Management Minor

HRM 305Human Resource Policy/Admin3
OB 354Behavior in Organizations3
Choose two courses from:9
Talent Sourcing & Acquisition
Compensation & Performance Mgt
Legal Issues in Human Resource (Plus one course from the following:)
Talent & Leadership Develop
Choose one course from:
Talent Sourcing & Acquisition
Compensation & Performance Mgt
Legal Issues in Human Resource
Talent & Leadership Develop
Management Skills Development
Organizational Change & Devlp
Negotiation and Conflict Mgt
International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior
Total Credit Hours15

Learning Goals

The following Learning Goals have been developed by the faculty in the College of Business. These goals describe what we want all of our students to know and be able to accomplish upon graduation.

  1. Students will be knowledgeable about the business disciplines.
  2. Students will be effective communicators.
  3. Students will be effective team members.
  4. Students will be competent in the application of technology.
  5. Students are able to understand and integrate knowledge across diverse disciplines, cultures, and context.
  6. Students will demonstrate critical thinking skills to solve business problems.

HRM 305     Human Resource Policy/Admin     3 Credit Hours

To examine personnel policy making and administration relative to the achievement of the objectives of the firm through the eyes of general management. Topics include: recruitment and selection, wage and salary administration training, evaluation, discipline and industrial relation activities. Cases are analyzed.

Cannot enroll if Class is Freshman or Sophomore
Can enroll if Level is Undergraduate

HRM 406     Talent Sourcing & Acquisition     3 Credit Hours

The course examines how to design, administer, and evaluate talent sourcing and selection activities that support organizational strategies. The course is geared both toward those who are or will be (a) current HR managers who develop and administer staffing programs and (b) managers in other functional areas who want to improve their personal effectiveness in recruiting and selecting employees. Key topics to be covered include: staffing strategy and planning; job design and analysis; external and internal recruiting; employee testing and assessment methods; interviewing; measurement, validation, and decision-making issues in selection; laws and regulations affecting staffing and evaluation methods for staffing.

Prerequisite(s): HRM 405 or HRM 305

HRM 407     Compensation & Performance Mgt     3 Credit Hours

The course examines how to design, administer and evaluate compensation and performance appraisal programs that support organizational strategies. The course is geared both toward those who are or will be (a) HR managers who will develop and administer pay and appraisal programs and (b) managers in other functional areas who want to improve their personal effectiveness in administering pay performance appraisals. Key topics to be covered include: merit and incentive pay, methods for internally valuing jobs, external labor markets and job pricing, design and administration of pay structures, employee benefits, compensating executives and expatriates, purposes and measurement methods for performance appraisals, performance criteria, rater processes and biases, performance reviews, and team-based pay and performance. (YR).

Prerequisite(s): (HRM 405 or HRM 305) and OB 354

HRM 408     Legal Issues in Human Resource     3 Credit Hours

The course examines employment law pertaining to human resource management including such areas as selection, compensation, performance appraisal, training, labor relations, and occupational safety and health.

Prerequisite(s): HRM 405 or HRM 305

HRM 409     Talent & Leadership Develop     3 Credit Hours

Training and leadership development are key elements of the human resource function. This course will teach students how to design and evaluate formal training programs and employee development programs, and how to conduct performance improvement interventions. Topics include needs assessment, adult learning and learning transfer theories, program design, and evaluation. (YR)

Prerequisite(s): HRM 305

HRM 485     Seminar:Human Resource Mgmt     1 to 3 Credit Hours

To provide students with an opportunity for intensive study in current selected areas related to the research activities and/or professional activities of faculty members. Permission of College of Business.

Can enroll if Class is Senior
Can enroll if College is Business

HRM 495     Research:Human Rsrch Mgmt     1 to 3 Credit Hours

To provide the advanced student with the opportunity to undertake a research project under the supervision of a faculty member. At least two weeks prior to registration in the term when such a course is to be elected, an interested student must submit to the dean of the school a written request for permission to elect a research course, on a form available in the school office. The request will include a description of the proposed research project. The dean will review the proposal with faculty members to ascertain availability of relevant faculty supervision and to establish appropriate credit.

Can enroll if Class is Senior
Can enroll if College is Business

*An asterisk denotes that a course may be taken concurrently.

Frequency of Offering

The following abbreviations are used to denote the frequency of offering: (F) fall term; (W) winter term; (S) summer term; (F, W) fall and winter terms; (YR) once a year; (AY) alternating years; (OC) offered occasionally