
The Writing Certificate provides students of all majors the opportunity to enhance their writing abilities and have this expertise appear as a credential on their transcripts. There is a national demand for employees who have strong skills in writing. This certificate provides a vehicle for enhancing the intellectual and personal development of students by allowing them to strengthen their writing skills and, at the same time, explore new topics and issues related to their personal interests.​

Certificate Requirements

A minimum of nine credit hours of writing (at least one course must be COMP or crosslisted with COMP; minimum B grade required in each course). Other courses in consultation with COMP faculty:
COML/HUM/WGST 433Writing Women in Renaissance3
COMM 317Case Studies in Prof & Tech Writing4
COMM 340Professional Communication3
COMP/ENGL 327Advanced Writing4
COMP 341Writing in the Professions4
COMP/COMM/ENGL 364Writing for Civic Literacy4
COMP/COMM 462Transnational Rhetorics4
COMP/COMM/WGST 466Arguing Feminism: Rhetoric, Writing & Advocacy4
COMP/COMM/ENGL 464Contemporary Rhetorical Theory3
COMP/ENGL 468Read/Writ Young Adult Fiction4
COMP 475Supporting Literacies4
COMP 485How Writing Works4
ENGL/COMP 310Narrative Writing for Journalism and Media4
ENGL 323Advanced Creative Writing4
FREN 302Advanced Conversation and Comp3
GER 301Advancing Competencies I3
JASS 307Copy Editing Across Media4
JASS 310Narrative Writing for Journalism and Media4
JASS 315Media Production for Metropolitan Community4
JASS 330Feature Writing4
JASS 331Multimedia Journalism4
JASS 436Memoir and Travel Writing4
JASS 467Script-Writing Workshop4
SPAN 301Adv Conversation and Comp I4

Practicum experience required (minimum 30 clock hours; must include substantial writing/editing component).  Possible ways to fulfill practicum requirement include:

  • Independent Study
  • Internship HUM 485/HIST 3085 
  • Peer Consulting in Writing Center
  • Community Service Work
  • Volunteerism/Civic Engagement

Notes Regarding Writing Certificate Program:

  1. Students, at the time that they are completing the Writing Certificate, must submit a Memorandum of Reflection, a sample of written work, and a Writing Certificate Completion Sheet. See LCC Department for details.
  2. Courses used toward another major, minor or certificate program may simultaneously count toward the Writing Certificate.
  3. A minimum 3.0 GPA in the courses counting toward the Writing Certificate and a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA are required at the time of graduation and/or posting of the certificate.