Data Science/Economics

(Concurrent degree with the College of Engineering and Computer Science)

Students with an interest in both areas of Data Science and Economics can pursue a concurrent BS program to earn two BS degrees at the same time:

The concurrent degree program requires specified coursework with a minimum of 15 additional credit hours beyond the 120 credit hours required for the BS-DATA or the BS-ECON alone. 
Data scientists, empowered by economic theories and methodologies,  can refine their models, make more accurate predictions, inform policy decisions, and contribute to a deeper understanding of complex economic systems. Economists, empowered by data science, can construct complex models and analyze and interpret Big data.

Dearborn Discovery Core (General Education)

All students must satisfy the University’s Dearborn Discovery Core requirements, in addition to the requirements for the major.  Students must also complete all CASL Degree Requirements.

A candidate for the Bachelor of Science in Data Science and the Bachelor of Science in Economics concurrently is required to fulfill the requirements for the Dearborn Discovery Core, as well as CASL requirements (two-semester sequence of foreign language).

Major Requirements

Data Science Prerequisites
COMP 105Writing & Rhetoric I3
COMP 270Tech Writing for Engineers3
MATH 115Calculus I4
MATH 116Calculus II4
MATH 215Calculus III4
MATH 227Introduction to Linear Algebra3
CIS 1501CS I for Data Scientists4
CIS 2001CS II for Data Scientists4
One course from the following:3-4
Discrete Structures I
Discrete Math Meth Comptr Engr
Applied Combinatorics
Select one laboratory science sequence from the following:8
Intro Org and Environ Biology
and Field Biology
General Chemistry IA
and General Chemistry IIA
Physical Geology
and Historical Geology
Introductory Physics I
and Introductory Physics II
General Physics I
and General Physics II
Economics Prerequisites
ECON 201Prin: Macroeconomics3
ECON 202Prin: Microeconomics3
CASL Requirements
Foundations - any one FNDS or CPBL 101, 102, 103, 1044
Foreign Language - Select a two course sequence from the following: 68
Introduction to Arabic Language and Culture 1
and Introduction to Arabic Language and Culture 2
French Language & Culture I
and French Language & Culture II
Beginning German I
and German Language and Culture II
Spanish Language & Culture I
and Spanish Language & Culture II
Data Science Core
CIS 350Data Struc and Algorithm Anlys4
CIS 375Software Engineering I4
ECE 3100Data Science I4
CIS 3200Data Science II4
CIS 422Massive Data Management4
ENGR 400Appl Business Tech for Engr3
or ENT 400 Entrepreneurial Thinking&Behav
HHS 470Information Science and Ethics3
STAT 305Introduction to Data Science for All3
STAT 325Applied Statistics I4
or IMSE 317 Eng Probability and Statistics
STAT 430Applied Regression Analysis3
CIS 4971Cap Sem for Data Sci I2
CIS 4972Cap Proj for Data Sci II2
Economics Core 1
ECON 301Intermediate Macroeconomics 2,3,44
ECON 302Intermediate Microeconomics 2,3,44
Data Science Applications - Economics Electives
Students should complete 20 credit hours of ECON 300/400/4000 electives, not counting the core classes ECON 301, ECON 302, ECON 305. 520
Data Science Electives
Choose one course from the list below. It is recommended that students take CIS 479 that also fulfills DDC Intersection requirement. 3-4
Discrete Structures II
Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Dec Support and Exp Systems
Information Systems
Text Mining and Information Retrieval
Wireless & Mobi Comp Security
Intro to Software Security
Intro to Artificial Intel
Computational Learning
Deep Learning
Edge Computing
Data Security and Privacy
Introduction to Simulation
Cloud Computing
Introduction to Machine Learning
Experiential Honors Prof. Prac
Exper Honors Directed Research
Exper Hnrs Dir Dsgn
Intro to Operations Research
Eng Economy and Dec Anlys
Applied stat models in engin
Simulation in Systems Design
Prod, Inven Control & Lean Mfg
Stochastic Processes
Statistical Inference
Mathematics of Finance
Mathematical Modeling
Introduction to Numerical Analysis
Matrix Computation
Statistical Computing
Machine Learning and Computational Statistics
Design and Analysis of Experiments
Multivariate Stat Analysis
Time Series Analysis
General Electives
Any 100 to 400 level course, (that is, courses not on the No Credit list, which is found at the end of the CECS Student Handbook), as needed to get a minimum of 135 credits for graduation.6
Total Credit Hours135-137

ECON 305 requirement for Economics major is fulfilled by taking IMSE 317 or STAT 325.


MATH 104,MATH 105,MATH 113,MATH 115, or equivalent are prerequisites to these courses.


Core courses ECON 301and ECON 302 should be taken no later than the junior year.


Only one of the two courses may be transferred to UM-D.


Only 4 credits of economics internship (ECON 398), can be applied to the major requirement. 


The foreign language requirement can be met by:

  • Successfully completing a two-semester beginning language sequence at UM-Dearborn, or
  • Transferring the equivalent of 8 semester hours of a beginning language sequence from another college or university, or
  • Successfully completing a 3- or 4-semester hour foreign language course (this course cannot be taught in English) at the 102 level or higher, or
  • Having completed at least 3 years (in the same language) of foreign language in high school with a grade of C or better in the final course, or
  • Having completed the equivalent of a high school diploma at a school that used a language other than English for instruction. (Appropriate documentation attesting to the language of instruction and graduation from the high school program is necessary, and official English translations of foreign transcripts must be provided), or
  • Passing an oral and written proficiency exam.

A student with prior knowledge of Arabic, French, German or Spanish should take a placement examination before registering for a course in that language. Placement/proficiency exams in Arabic, French, German, and Spanish are scheduled through the Office of Admissions and Orientation; call 313-593-5100. A student wishing to take a proficiency exam in a language not mentioned above or not taught at UM-Dearborn should consult a CASL advisor; call 313-593-5293 for more information. Proficiency exams for a language other than those taught at UM-Dearborn must be administered at another four-year institution. A student wishing to waive the foreign language requirement must officially submit a request via petition. Please note that when the requirement is waived, or proficiency is demonstrated by exam, credit will not be awarded for courses not taken.