Retired Persons Scholarship Program

The Retired Persons Scholarship Program (RPSP) offers retirees the opportunity to attend classes alongside traditionally-aged students. The integration of younger students and older students into the mainstream academic curriculum bridges the generational gap. A limited number of Retired Persons Scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study are available at UM-Dearborn.

Prospective RPSP students are required to:

  • have reached their 60th birthday prior to the semester of their first registration under this program.
  • have graduated from high school and have the potential to succeed at college-level studies.
  • be a "retired person"- have no current career or employment.


Given the intellectual enrichment nature of the RPSP program, students enrolled in it will register under the Non-Candidate for Degree (NCFD) option. RPSP students should consult the campus’ graduate and undergraduate academic policies for the number of credit hours allowed under the NCFD option. NCFD students cannot register for internship and co-op courses. In addition, students will be permitted to register only after degree-seeking students as specified in the Registrar’s Registration Timetable. 

Academic Credit

Students enrolled in the RPSP program can only take courses under the audit option. It is important that students considering a degree at the university not enroll under the RPSP program, as courses taken under the audit option do not carry academic credit and are not transferable into a degree program.

Students will complete an online application for admission at Online Non-Degree Application, selecting "Retired Person Scholarship Program" student type.

Completed non-degree applications will be accepted until midnight the day prior to the start of classes each semester.