Alumni Enrichment Program

The Alumni Enrichment Program is an opportunity for UM-Dearborn alumni to enhance their education and to provide additional exposure to a variety of subject areas on a non-credit basis. Each alumni's selection of courses will be checked to ensure that the educational-broadening objective of this program is being  pursued.

All courses must be taken on a pass/fail basis.

It is free and easy to apply online, selecting "Alumni Enrichment" student type, and students may check the application status online. 

Completed non-degree applications will be accepted until midnight the day prior to the start of classes each semester.

Alumni Enrichment Students are subject to the following policies:

To be eligible for this program, students must be UM-Dearborn alumni. Upon acceptance, students are eligible to elect up to 9 hours per term of undergraduate coursework in one or more fields distinctly different from the field in which they earned their bachelor's degree (major or minor).

Undergraduate and graduate alumni from UM-Dearborn may pursue undergraduate courses. They are eligible to participate in the program one full term after graduation has been confirmed. Alumni participants are not eligible if currently enrolled in a degree or certificate program.

Course enrollments will occur on a space available basis. Alumni in this program will also have to meet the regular prerequisites for any courses they elect. Internship, cooperative education, and online courses are not available to program participants.

For tuition assessment, there is a discounted per credit hour charge will be levied as an "enrollment fee." This means that a portion of the tuition will be covered by an Alumni Scholarship. The Alumni Enrichment student will also be expected to pay any fees associated with registration, course elections, and technology.