Political Science (POL)

POL 513     American Constitutional Law     3 Credit Hours

A major theme of this course is the development of the constitution, especially focusing on the themes of judicial review: judicial self-restraint and judicial activism; the expansion of executive and legislative powers; and the rise of "substantive due process of law". Prerequisite or equivalent recommended. This course is distinguished from its 400 level counterpart by the requirement of additional readings and research. (AY).

Prerequisite(s): POL 101

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

POL 514     Civil Rights and Liberties     3 Credit Hours

An analysis of the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment, with particular emphasis upon recent landmark or controversial Supreme Court decisions dealing with freedom of speech and religion, rights of criminal defendants; cruel and unusual punishment, right to privacy; civil rights and equal protection clause; and apportionment. Prerequisite or equivalent recommended. This course is distinguished from its 400 level counterpart by the requirement of additional readings and research. (YR).

Prerequisite(s): POL 101

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

POL 517     Constitution&National Security     3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the issue of national security and how the federal government has used power to protect its citizens. It analyzes relevant national security issues in order to understand how government action is constrained by the Constitution and social norms. The course examines the historical development of national security in the United States including habeas corpus, wiretapping, military tribunals, state secrets, and extraordinary rendition. Particular close attention is paid to the modern development of national security. The emphasis in reading will be on cases, executive orders, congressional hearings, and statutes. This course is distinguished from its 400 level counterpart by the requirement of additional readings and research.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

POL 550     Revolution     3 Credit Hours

A consideration of violent political change and the conditions which promote it. The course covers both revolutionary theories and empirical research. Specific revolutions are considered. This course is distinguished from its 400 level counterpart by the requirement of additional readings and research. Students cannot receive credit for both POL 450 and POL 550. (YR).

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

POL 551     Peace and War     3 Credit Hours

An examination of the causes of war and the means of securing peace. This course is distinguished from its 400 level counterpart by the requirement of additional readings and research. (YR).

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

POL 560     Science, Tech & Pub Policy     3 Credit Hours

This course explores the intersection of science, technology, and public policy. Scientific knowledge and technological innovations are exceptionally powerful resources for policy-makers and for societies; they also pose great challenges and risks. This course will look at how science and technology affect the pursuit of policy goals in areas such as public health, environmental sustainability, economic growth, and national security. Students will not receive credit for more than one of POL 460, POL 560, and PPOL 560.

Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate Cert only or Post-baccalaureate NCFD or Graduate

POL 566     Politics&Policies Soc Welfare     3 Credit Hours

FULL TITLE: The Politics and Policies of Social Welfare. The course examines the relationship between politics and public policy as related to the provision of social welfare programs in the United States.

Can enroll if Level is Graduate

POL 571     American Foreign Policy I     3 Credit Hours

American foreign policy in Western Europe, Russia, and Latin America. This course is distinguished from its 400 level counterpart by the requirement of additional readings and research. (OC)

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

POL 572     American Foreign Policy II     3 Credit Hours

American foreign policy in the non-western world. This course is distinguished from its 400 level counterpart by the requirement of additional readings and research. (OC).

Prerequisite(s): POL 101 or POL 201

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

POL 573     International Security Affairs     3 Credit Hours

International Security is a branch of world politics concerned with the threats, primarily military in nature, to the peace and security of the nation, states, and the international community. This course is distinguished from its 400 level counterpart by the requirement of additional readings and research. (AY).

Prerequisite(s): POL 101

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

POL 584     Revitalizing Cities     3 Credit Hours

What have we done to address decline in city neighborhoods and downtowns? Why? How has it worked? Why? What's the hope for the future? This course uses a public policy lens to engage students in a quest for answers to these questions. (W, AY).

Can enroll if Level is Rackham or Graduate

POL 587     Comparative Enviro Policy     3 Credit Hours

This course explores environmental policy as a result of political processes involving diverse participants and entailing movement through several stages – from defining an issue as an environmental problem to placing it on a political agenda and then receiving a response at domestic governmental or international levels. This course analyzes environmental issues from a cross-cultural and comparative perspective, with a particular attention given to political institutions, political change, levels of development, political culture, public participation, and international commitments that shape the nature and dynamics of environmental politics and policy in different countries. This course is distinguished from its 400 level counterpart by the requirement of additional readings and research.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

POL 589     Seminar in Urban Politics     3 Credit Hours

Selected topics in urban politics. This course is distinguished from its 400 level counterpart by the requirement of additional readings and research.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

POL 590     Topics in Political Science     1 to 3 Credit Hours

Problems and issues in selected areas of political science. Title changes according to content. Courses may be repeated when specific topic differs. (OC)

POL 591     Seminar in Political Science     3 Credit Hours

Selected topics in political science. Course may be repeated for credit when topics differ. This course is distinguished from its 400 level counterpart by the requirement of additional readings and research. (AY).

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

POL 592     Seminar in Political Analysis     3 Credit Hours

An advanced in-depth look at the problems and techniques of empirical research. Gives special attention to research design, data collections, measurement, and validity. Statistics for social scientists will also be covered. This course is distinguished from its 400 level counterpart by the requirement of additional readings and research. (OC).

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

POL 598     Directed Studies     1 to 8 Credit Hours

Directed individual study of any subject agreed upon by the student and the instructor. May not duplicate a formal course offering. (OC).

POL 599     Directed Studies     1 to 6 Credit Hours

Directed individual study of any subjects agreed upon by the student and the advising instructor, which shall not duplicate a formal course offering. This course is distinguished from its 400 level counterpart by the requirement of additional readings and research. (F, W, S).

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

*An asterisk denotes that a course may be taken concurrently.

Frequency of Offering

The following abbreviations are used to denote the frequency of offering: (F) fall term; (W) winter term; (S) summer term; (F, W) fall and winter terms; (YR) once a year; (AY) alternating years; (OC) offered occasionally