Educ D-Curriculum & Instructn (EDD)

EDD 501     Teach English in Second Grds     3 Credit Hours

Investigates the general and specific goals and objectives of English education. Trends, materials, and strategies are presented. A study of outstanding problems in the teaching of English composition, literature, grammar, and language are discussed. Official admission to and good standing in teacher certification program are required.

Corequisite(s): EDD 502

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 502     Practicum: English Second Grd     1 Credit Hour

A supervised field experience related to the teaching of English in grades 6-12. Requires a minimum of 45 clock hours of observation and work spread over a semester in a school setting. Must be taken concurrently with EDD 501. For undergraduate credit elect EDD 441. Students must submit the following clearances as prerequisites in order to register for this class (Blood Borne Pathogen test, Criminal Background Consent, Video Recording Consent).

Prerequisite(s): Infect Disease/Blood Born Path with a score of 1 and Criminal Background Check with a score of 1 and Video Recording Consent with a score of 1

Corequisite(s): EDD 501

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 503     Wksp: Art in the Elmentary Sch     2 Credit Hours

A course which presents the rationale, trends, and principles of art education for elementary teachers. Teachers will have ample opportunities to experiment with various art media such as printmaking, puppetry, paints, and clay. Different strategies that focus on the creative growth of children will be developed. (OC)

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 504     Inquiry Based Curr Prim Grades     3 Credit Hours

This course examines how teachers can apply inquiry method to all curriculum areas in the primary grades. Major focus will be designing curriculum to meet state and professional guidelines within a developmentally appropriate context. Students must submit the following clearances as prerequisites in order to register for this class (Blood Borne Pathogen test, Criminal Background Consent, Video Recording Consent).

Prerequisite(s): (EDC 340 and EDC 341) or (EDC 240 and EDC 241) and Infect Disease/Blood Born Path with a score of 1 and Criminal Background Check with a score of 1 and Video Recording Consent with a score of 1

Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate Cert only or Post-baccalaureate NCFD or Graduate

EDD 508     Practicum in Early Child Ed     1 Credit Hour

A supervised field experience related to the study of early childhood education involving a minimum of 45 clock hours of observation and work spread over a semester in an early childhood school setting. TB clearance, physician's statement of good health, and criminal background check are required. Students cannot receive credit for both EDD 410 and EDD 508. (F,W)

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 509     Workshop in Secnd Sci Educ     1 to 6 Credit Hours

Provides an opportunity for experienced professionals in junior and senior high schools to work on problems and topics related to the teaching of natural science.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 513     Internship Elementary LD     2 or 3 Credit Hours

Field experience with elementary students with learning disabilities in regular and resource classrooms. Experiences include delivery of direct instruction through observation, tutoring, small and large group instruction, small and large group assessment, curriculum development, participation in the IEP process, collaboration with regular classroom teachers, and other activities under the on-site supervision of a certified teacher of LD and LD-certified university field supervisor.

Prerequisite(s): EDC 501 and EDN 501 and EDN 503 and EDN 504 and Infect Disease/Blood Born Path with a score of 1 and Criminal Background Check with a score of 1 and Video Recording Consent with a score of 1

Corequisite(s): EDN 508

Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate Cert only or Graduate

EDD 515     Internship - Secondary LD     2 Credit Hours

Field experience with secondary students with learning disabilities in secondary-general and special education classrooms. Experiences include delivery of direct instruction through observation, tutoring, small and large group instruction, curriculum development and adaptations for secondary settings, participation in the IEP and ITP process, collaboration and co-teaching with regular classroom teachers in various academic content areas, and other activities under the on-site supervision of a certified teacher of LD and LD certified university field supervisor.

Prerequisite(s): EDC 501 and EDN 501 and EDN 503 and EDN 504 and Infect Disease/Blood Born Path with a score of 1 and Criminal Background Check with a score of 1 and Video Recording Consent with a score of 1

Corequisite(s): EDN 508

EDD 516     Creativty/Crit Thnk Yng Childr     3 Credit Hours

This course intends to study the processes and products of creativity for both adults and young children. Strategies for promoting the emerging creative disposition of the young child, birth to eight years, will be explored. Areas of focus will include art, music, movement, dramatic play, improvisation, storytelling, and problem-solving. The importance of understanding and encouraging the young child's capacity for representation skills will be emphasized.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 517     Seminar: Teaching Secondary Master's in Teaching (MAT)     2 Credit Hours

Draws upon the resources found in the directed teaching environment. Considers problems and issues in four broad areas: students in the school, teacher's professional responsibilities, curriculum understandings, and administrative/organizational problems. Open only to students enrolled in EDD 518. (F, W).

Corequisite(s): EDD 518

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Cannot enroll if Program is

EDD 518     Directed Tchg (MAT) Second Sch     5 to 12 Credit Hours

Directed teaching consists of a teaching internship in a selected classroom for a full term under the direction of an experienced teacher. Includes a period of observation followed by several weeks of responsible teaching. (F, W).

Corequisite(s): EDD 517

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services
Can enroll if Major is Teaching

EDD 519     Early Literacy/Language Develp     3 Credit Hours

This course examines early language development, the factors that contribute to its growth and the role that it plays in the development of literacy. Diagnostic techniques for assessing language and literacy and teaching strategies and materials to facilitate language and literacy growth in children birth through third grade will be discussed. (YR)

Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate NCFD or Graduate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services

EDD 530     Concepts & Strat/Tchg:Mdl Lev     3 Credit Hours

FULL TITLE: Concepts and Strategies for Teaching at the Middle Level. Introduces current curricular trends and various teaching strategies for use at the middle school level to stimulate inquiry in the classroom. Opportunity will be provided to experiment with these strategies in videotaped, microteaching situations.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 534     ML Curriculum & Instruction     3 Credit Hours

This course addresses curriculum development and instruction adapted to meet the unique needs and characteristics of the middle level student. Attention is given to instructional planning, presentation, and assessment of learning.

Corequisite(s): EDD 535

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services

EDD 535     Field Exploration: ML     1 Credit Hour

Field exploration involving a minimum of 45 clock hours research activities related to the study of middle level curriculum development, instruction and students.

Corequisite(s): EDD 534

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services

EDD 536     Grad Sem in Early Childhood Ed     3 Credit Hours

This course examines the theories, research, and educational practices developmentally appropriate for children: infancy through primary grades. The seminar provides the theoretical foundation for the field placement (EDD 594). Strategies for planning effective curricular activities, arranging a learning environment, communicating and working with families and staff, and administering early childhood programs will be discussed. The issues of multiculturalism, family centered approaches, addressing the inclusion of children with special needs and professional development will be addressed. Open only to graduate students seeking an early childhood endorsement and approved by the program coordinator. TB test, physician's statement of good health, and criminal background check are required. (W).

Can enroll if Class is Professional Development or Graduate
Cannot enroll if Level is
Cannot enroll if Degree is

EDD 537     Administrative Intern in EC     3 Credit Hours

This internship will focus on providing experience in central early childhood office administration. Recruitment, communication skills, financial administration, grant writing, leadership, program evaluation and program development and other topics related to the administration of Early Childhood programs will be developed and practiced. This course studies the procedures for evaluating early childhood programs and for continual program development in their leadership. Students must submit the following clearances as prerequisites in order to register for this class (Blood Borne Pathogen test, Criminal Background Consent, Video Recording Consent).

Prerequisite(s): Infect Disease/Blood Born Path with a score of 1 and Criminal Background Check with a score of 1 and Video Recording Consent with a score of 1

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or

EDD 542     Differentiating Inst K-12 Clrm     2 to 3 Credit Hours

Individualized instruction combined with the latest information on the brain and our understanding of multiple intelligences leads us to a new method of meeting the needs of students called differentiating instruction. This course will look at the concept of differentiating instruction in-depth.

EDD 543     Tchg Writing at the Scnd Lvl     2 to 3 Credit Hours

This course is designed to help the classroom teacher promote functional and creative writing among students at the secondary school level. Attention will be given to both theory and research with emphasis on the development of instructional strategies, teaching materials and practical resources.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 544     MAT Secondary English Methods     3 Credit Hours

Investigates the general and specific goals and objectives of English education. Trends, materials, and strategies are presented. A study of outstanding problems in the teaching of English composition, literature, grammar, and language are discussed. Official admission to and good standing in teacher certification program are required.

Prerequisite(s): Apprenticeship I, TCERT Admit with a score of 1

Corequisite(s): EDFP 544

EDD 546     Intervention Strat EC Spec Ed     3 Credit Hours

Course Title: Family-Centered Intervention Strategies for Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education. Strategies and methods which early educators can use when planning and implementing interventions for infants, toddlers and young children with disabilities and their families. Emphasis will be on addressing family identified priorities and the goals and objectives stated on the Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) or Individual Educational Plan (IEP) using activity-based intervention, adapting materials, modifying environments and using assistive technology. (W, YR)

Prerequisite(s): EDC 514 and EDC 540

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Cannot enroll if Level is

EDD 547     Tchng English as Second Lang     3 Credit Hours

This course examines current methodologies and theories for English as a second language learning and instruction. Emphasis will be placed on a standards-based curriculum for English language learners. The use of communicative activities and strategies for developing English language skills in the elementary grades will be emphasized. Official admission to and good standing in teacher certification program are required. (F).

Corequisite(s): EDD 548

Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate Cert only or Graduate

EDD 548     Pract: Tch Engl as Secnd Lang     1 Credit Hour

A supervised field experience related to the teaching of English as a second language. Requires a minimum of 45 clock hours of observation and work spread over a semester in a school setting. Must be taken concurrently with EDD 547. For undergraduate credit elect EDD 448. Students must submit the following clearances as prerequisites in order to register for this class (Blood Borne Pathogen test, Criminal Background Consent, Video Recording Consent). (F).

Prerequisite(s): Infect Disease/Blood Born Path with a score of 1 and Criminal Background Check with a score of 1 and Video Recording Consent with a score of 1

Corequisite(s): EDD 547

Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate Cert only or Graduate

EDD 549     Tchng English as Second Lang     3 Credit Hours

This course examines current methodologies and theories for English as a second language learning and instruction. Emphasis will be placed on a standards-based curriculum for English language learners. The use of communicative activities and strategies for developing English language skills in the elementary grades will be emphasized. Official admission to and good standing in a teacher certification program are required. (F, W).

Prerequisite(s): Apprenticeship I, TCERT Admit with a score of 1

Corequisite(s): EDT 317

EDD 552     Methods of Teaching Math K-8     3 Credit Hours

The course relates to the teaching of the mathematics curriculum in the elementary and middle school. The emphasis is on the development of teaching techniques that promote problem solving, reasoning, connections, communication, and concept and algorithmic development. Cooperative groups, manipulatives, technology, and meeting the special needs of every child in grades K-8. Required for all preservice elementary teachers. Official admission to and good standing in teacher education program required.

Prerequisite(s): MATH 387 and Infect Disease/Blood Born Path with a score of 1 and Criminal Background Check with a score of 1 and Video Recording Consent with a score of 1

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 554     Wrkshp:Nwspaper in Educ     2 Credit Hours

A course designed to familiarize elementary and secondary teachers with the use of newspapers as a classroom resource. Workshop participants will use the daily newspaper and other resource materials to develop activities appropriate for meeting their own professional needs. Emphasis will be on the enhancement of academic skills, practical life skills and creative expression.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 555     MAT Secondary Math Methods     3 Credit Hours

This course discusses: 1) the more important parts of recent pedagogical literature, 2) new instructional materials, methods, and curricular trends, and 3) procedures useful in the construction of new units and in the improvement of curricular units. Official admission to and good standing in a teacher certification program are required.

Prerequisite(s): Apprenticeship I, TCERT Admit with a score of 1

Corequisite(s): EDFP 555

EDD 560     Reading:Clinical Pract Int/Sem     3 Credit Hours

A supervised field experience in which students will work in a reading program. In this internship students will acquire experience in selecting students for the program, assessing students, working with students to develop reading and writing skills, and in reporting functions. In addition, a weekly seminar to explore issues related to reading programs will be held. (S)

Prerequisite(s): EDA 519 and EDB 503 and EDC 560

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Can enroll if Degree is Master of Arts
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services
Can enroll if Program is MA-Education

EDD 563     Tchng Giftd Stdnt Reglr Classr     2 Credit Hours

This course introduces classroom teachers to the education of gifted and talented students in the regular classroom. It is designed to help teachers understand the social, emotional, and intellectual needs of gifted students and to show them ways of effectively addressing these needs along with those of the other students present. It will offer specific proposals for structuring the learning environment as well as for selecting appropriate levels and types of subject matter.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 565     Teach Math in Second Grades     3 Credit Hours

This course discusses: 1) the important parts of recent pedagogical literature, 2) new instructional materials, methods, and curricular trends, and 3) procedures useful in the construction of new units and in the improvement of curricular units. Official admission to and good standing in teacher certification program are required.

Prerequisite(s): MATH 412 and MATH 331

Corequisite(s): EDD 566

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 566     Practicum: Math Second School     1 Credit Hour

A supervised field experience related to the teaching of mathematics in grades 6-12. Requires a minimum of 45 clock hours of observation and work in a school setting. Must be taken concurrently with EDD 565. For undergraduate credit elect EDD 451. Students must submit the following clearances as prerequisites in order to register for this class (Blood Borne Pathogen test, Criminal Background Consent, Video Recording Consent).

Prerequisite(s): Infect Disease/Blood Born Path with a score of 1 and Criminal Background Check with a score of 1 and Video Recording Consent with a score of 1

Corequisite(s): EDD 565

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 567     Practicum in Reading Instruct     1 Credit Hour

A required supervised field experience related to the teaching of reading in the elementary and/or K-8. Involves a minimum of 45 clock hours of work and observation in a supervised classroom setting. Techniques learned in EDD 568 will be applied directly to increase the reading competence of elementary school children. Must be elected concurrently with EDD 568. Students must submit the following clearances as prerequisites in order to register for this class (Blood Borne Pathogen test, Criminal Background Consent, Video Recording Consent).

Prerequisite(s): Infect Disease/Blood Born Path with a score of 1 and Criminal Background Check with a score of 1 and Video Recording Consent with a score of 1

Corequisite(s): EDD 568

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 568     Teach Read/Lang Arts- Elem Grd     3 Credit Hours

Acquaints the student with theory, methods, materials, and research related to the teaching of reading and other communications skills in the elementary and/or K-8. Includes classroom activities designed to strengthen skills in reading comprehension, word recognition, word attack, and the related language arts.Official admission to and good standing in the College of Education, Health, and Human Services certification program are required.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 569     Reading in the Content Areas     3 Credit Hours

Emphasis on developmental and remedial reading activities at the middle grades and the secondary level; diagnosis, testing, and materials; reading in the content subjects; study habits; independent reading activity; exemplary programs. Some attention will be given to related problems in the teaching of written composition. Official admission to and good standing in the College of Education, Health, and Human Services certification program are required. Students cannot receive credit for both EDD 469 and EDD 569.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 571     Reading Instr: Models and Meth     2 to 3 Credit Hours

The impact of psycholinguistic research on reading instruction will be examined especially as it relates to: reading comprehension, the teaching of phonetic skills, the teaching of reading/study skills in content areas, and in testing. Various approaches to reading instruction will be reviewed. Students electing this course for three credit hours will be required to complete a reading tutorial suitable in meeting the needs of an elementary student. Not open to students who have taken EDD 472, EDD 532, or EDD 570. Official admission to and good standing in the College of Education, Health, and Human Services certification program are required.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 574     Environmental Education     2 to 3 Credit Hours

An analysis of environmental education at both the elementary and secondary school level particularly stressing the environment as a teaching resource. Community resources as they relate to environmental education also are investigated.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 575     Integrating Science & Literacy     3 Credit Hours

Students will enhance their understanding of and ability to integrate multiple literacy skills into the science classroom. Students will create integrated classroom activities and lessons based on State of Michigan benchmarks in language arts and science. (F,W).

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Can enroll if Level is Graduate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services

EDD 580     Teach of Sci in the Second Grd     2 to 3 Credit Hours

A survey of the place of science in the secondary school curriculum, an analysis and evaluation of objectives, and a consideration of modern practices in teaching science. Official admission to and good standing in teacher certification program are required.

Corequisite(s): EDD 581

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services

EDD 581     Practicum in Science:Secnd Grd     1 Credit Hour

A supervised field experience related to the teaching of science in grades 6-12. Requires a minimum of 45 clock hours of observation and work spread over a semester in a school setting. Must be taken concurrently with EDD 580. For undergraduate credit elect EDD 481. Students must submit the following clearances as prerequisites in order to register for this class (Blood Borne Pathogen test, Criminal Background Consent, Video Recording Consent).

Prerequisite(s): Infect Disease/Blood Born Path with a score of 1 and Criminal Background Check with a score of 1 and Video Recording Consent with a score of 1

Corequisite(s): EDD 580

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services

EDD 582     Tch Sci in Secndary Grds II     3 Credit Hours

This course builds upon the concepts and skills developed in EDD 480 as students learn to become effective, reflective science teachers. Students will learn multiple strategies for effective lesson planning, teaching, and assessment in science. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and integration of reading/writing strategies will be emphasized throughout the course. Students cannot receive credit for both EDD 482 and EDD 582. EDD 582 will be distinguished from EDD 482 by additional readings and assignments for the enrolled students.

Prerequisite(s): EDD 480 and EDD 481

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Can enroll if Level is Graduate or Professional Development
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services

EDD 583     Wkshp:Sci Teach Elem/Midd Schl     1 to 3 Credit Hours

Deals with existing and innovative science materials. Offered at various times emphasizing one or more areas from elementary and middle level science. Centers on a laboratory approach. May be elected twice for a total of six hours.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 585     Teach Science in the Elem Grd     2 to 3 Credit Hours

Explores the objectives, methods, and instructional emphasis of elementary school science. Stresses concept development in several areas of elementary science. Provides opportunity for preparation of materials for classroom use. Official admission to and good standing in teacher certification program are required. Students cannot receive credit for both EDD 485 and EDD 585.

Prerequisite(s): Infect Disease/Blood Born Path with a score of 1 and Criminal Background Check with a score of 1 and Video Recording Consent with a score of 1

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 586     Environmental Interpretation     3 Credit Hours

Course deals with the interpretation of the environment, its characteristics, and its presentation to school groups as well as to the general public. Intended to acquaint students with a variety of skills and techniques necessary for interpreting the environment to others. Extensive use is made of the UM-D Environmental Study Area.

Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate Cert only or Graduate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services or Arts, Sciences, and Letters

EDD 588     MAT Secondary Science Methods     3 Credit Hours

A survey of the place of science in the secondary school curriculum, an analysis and evaluation of objectives, and a consideration of modern practices in teaching science. Official admission to and good standing in teacher certification program are required.

Corequisite(s): EDFP 588

EDD 589     Practicum in Soc Stud:Sec Sch     1 Credit Hour

A supervised field experience related to the teaching of social studies in grades 6-12. Requires a minimum of 45 clock hours of observation and work spread over a semester in a school setting. Must be taken concurrently with EDD 590. For undergraduate credit elect EDD 489. Students must submit the following clearances as prerequisites in order to register for this class (Blood Borne Pathogen test, Criminal Background Consent, Video Recording Consent).

Prerequisite(s): Infect Disease/Blood Born Path with a score of 1 and Criminal Background Check with a score of 1 and Video Recording Consent with a score of 1

Corequisite(s): EDD 590

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 590     Tch of the Soc Stud in Sec Sch     3 Credit Hours

This course examines theoretical and practical approaches to teaching social studies at the secondary level. Students explore, develop, and evaluate instructional methods. In light of professional standards, they consider diverse strategies for teaching and assessing middle and high school students.

Corequisite(s): EDD 589

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services

EDD 591     MAT Secondary Social Studies Methods     3 Credit Hours

This course examines theoretical and practical approaches to teaching social studies at the secondary level. Students explore, develop, and evaluate instructional methods. In light of professional standards, they consider diverse strategies for teaching and assessing middle and high school students.

Prerequisite(s): Infect Disease/Blood Born Path with a score of 1 and Criminal Background Check with a score of 1 and Video Recording Consent with a score of 1

Corequisite(s): EDFP 591

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services

EDD 593     Simulation and Gaming     1 to 3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on simulation and gaming as approaches to learning which are fundamentally different from methods traditionally used in education, industry, business, and psychology. Students will have the opportunity to examine many different types of simulations and games and to participate in selected ones. They will also be able to design one for use in their own area of interest.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 594     Early Childhood Ed Internship     2 to 3 Credit Hours

Supervised observation and teaching in early childhood programs under the joint direction of university and school personnel. Open only to students in the M.A. in Education Program (Early Childhood Endorsement) who have been approved for the course by the program director. TB clearance, physician's statement of good health, blood borne pathogen, video recording consent, and criminal background check required. Replaces EDD 494 as the graduate level Early Childhood Internship.

Prerequisite(s): EDD 536 and Infect Disease/Blood Born Path with a score of 1 and Criminal Background Check with a score of 1 and Video Recording Consent with a score of 1

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Can enroll if Major is Early Childhood

EDD 595     Wkshp:Social Studies Educ     2 to 3 Credit Hours

The workshop is planned to acquaint elementary and secondary teachers with specific trends and/or problems in social studies education. The theme of each workshop will vary according to the needs and interests of the teachers to reflect current interests in social studies education. Teachers will be directly involved in problem definition, literature review, research, and the collection and creation of strategies for classroom use. Students may repeat the course as topics vary up to a maximum of three hours of credit.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 596     Second Lang Tchg: Sec Level     3 Credit Hours

An examination of current methodologies and techniques for instruction in foreign languages in grades 7-12. Emphasis will be placed on a standards-based curriculum with special attention given to the creation of learning scenarios. The use of communicative activities and the assessment of language skill areas will also be emphasized. Official admission to and good standing in teacher certification program are required.

Prerequisite(s): FREN 301 or GER 301 or SPAN 301

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services

EDD 597     Practicum in Second Lang Tchg     1 Credit Hour

A supervised field experience related to the teaching of a foreign language in grades 6-12. Requires a minimum of 45 clock hours of observation and work spread over a semester in a school setting. Official admission to and good standing in teacher certification program are required. Must be taken concurrently with EDD 596. For undergraduate credit elect EDD 497. Students must submit the following clearances as prerequisites in order to register for this class (Blood Borne Pathogen test, Criminal Background Consent, Video Recording Consent).

Prerequisite(s): FREN 301 or GER 301 or SPAN 301 and Infect Disease/Blood Born Path with a score of 1 and Criminal Background Check with a score of 1 and Video Recording Consent with a score of 1

Corequisite(s): EDD 596

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services

EDD 598     Writing Meth: Formal&Informal     3 Credit Hours

This course is designed for those wishing to establish or improve creative writing programs in their elementary school classrooms. Theoretical models will be discussed. Strategies and materials which facilitate the writing of prose and poetry will be emphasized. (OC)

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 599     Social Studies in the Elem Grd     2 to 3 Credit Hours

Examination and analysis of various programs and materials currently available for teaching social studies at the elementary level. Critical investigation of new developments and trends. Opportunity is provided to experiment with various techniques and to evaluate their effectiveness. Official admission to and good standing in teacher certification program are required.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 631     Junior High/Middle Sch Currclm     2 Credit Hours

Relates the junior high and middle school curriculum to the unique needs and characteristics of early adolescence. Gives attention to the scope, organization, and interrelationships of instructional programs as well as trends, experimentation, innovations and reports of research in this field. Designed for pre-service and in-service teachers.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 650     Internship ECSE     1 to 3 Credit Hours

Supervised observation and teaching in Early Childhood Special Education setting under the joint direction of university and program personnel. Open only to graduate students in the Early Childhood Special Education Inclusion program who have been approved for the course by the program director. Students must submit the following clearances as prerequisites in order to register for this class (Blood Borne Pathogen test, Criminal Background Consent, Video Recording Consent). (YR).

Prerequisite(s): EDC 645 and EDD 546 and Infect Disease/Blood Born Path with a score of 1 and Criminal Background Check with a score of 1 and Video Recording Consent with a score of 1

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services

EDD 651     Seminar in ECSE     1 Credit Hour

The seminar provides a theoretical foundation and support for the Internship in Early Childhood Special Education. Focus is on understanding the supports and barriers to implementing recommended practices in early childhoold special education and early intervention as well as the changing roles of professionals working in early care and education settings. Skills in family-centered service delivery, collaborative consultation, problem-solving, teaming, advocacy and supervising paraprofessionals will be included. (YR).

Prerequisite(s): EDC 645 and EDD 546

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Cannot enroll if Level is Undergraduate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services

EDD 680     Adv Science Meth: Secondary     3 Credit Hours

This course is designed for students interested in utilizing the research in science education at the secondary level. Students will study historical and philosophical perspectives that have shaped thinking and research related to science education. They will also be involved in the latest methods and techniques for science teaching and learning. Topics will include the use of inquiry methodologies, science education research, integration of science and other core subject areas, and current science education reform efforts. (F)

Prerequisite(s): EDD 485 or EDD 585

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 685     Adv Science Meth: Elem & MS     3 Credit Hours

This course is designed for students interested in utilizing the research in science education at the elementary and middle school levels. Students will study historical and philosophical perspectives that have shaped thinking and research related to science education. They will also be involved in the latest methods and techniques for science teaching and learning. Topics will include the use of inquiry methodolgies, science education research, integration of science and other core subject areas, and current science education reform efforts. (F)

Prerequisite(s): EDD 485 or EDD 585

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDD 717     Sem in Curiculum and Practice     3 Credit Hours

This course will prepare doctoral candidates a framework from which to focus on in their particular field of study. During this course we will review major curriculum theories past and present within U.S. education and work toward applying these models in the practice of developing curriculum and reforming instructional practice. Emphasis is given to considering ways in which teachers and administrators might inquire into curriculum selection and teaching practice at the PK-12 or community college levels.

Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or

EDD 719     Review of Research on Teaching     3 Credit Hours

The goal of this course is to review the historical and current literature for Research on Teaching. Students will develop an understanding of the critical issues and best practices for teaching and learning. They will also critically analyze the different methods of conducting research on teaching.

Prerequisite(s): EDD 717

Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or

*An asterisk denotes that a course may be taken concurrently.

Frequency of Offering

The following abbreviations are used to denote the frequency of offering: (F) fall term; (W) winter term; (S) summer term; (F, W) fall and winter terms; (YR) once a year; (AY) alternating years; (OC) offered occasionally