Educ A-Theoretical Foundatns (EDA)

EDA 500     Theoretical Foundations of Ed     3 Credit Hours

This is an advanced seminar course in educational theory. It involves a systematic examination of numerous theories that have played a major role in shaping American education. Among these are: 1) ideologies, 2) ethical theories, 3) learning theories, 4) instructional theories, and 5) theories of study. These have provided education with different moral outlooks, different social objectives, different curricula, and different teaching methods.

Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate Cert only or Graduate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services

EDA 501     Adv Social Fndations of Ed     3 Credit Hours

This advanced seminar will investigate various aspects of formal education taking into account historical, philosophical, political, social, cultural, religious and economic contexts. Within these contexts, the course will identify and examine school reform and change issues and trends as they relate to complex and rapidly changing local, national and global society.

Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate NCFD or Graduate

EDA 515     Comm & Schools: Partnerships     3 Credit Hours

Communities and Schools: Building and Sustaining Partnerships offers an examination of the role that communities play in schools' achieving public aims and the value that alliances have on the overall delivery of instruction. Thus, the course reviews various arguments and presents the student learner with the opportunity to connect the theory to practice so that she/he can develop her/his own views on the need and value of these methods. (YR)

EDA 519     Early Literacy/Language Devel     3 Credit Hours

This course examines early language development, the factors that contribute to its growth and the role that it plays in the development of literacy. Diagnostic techniques for assessing language and literacy and teaching strategies and materials to facilitate language and literacy growth in children birth through third grade will be discussed.

Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate Cert only or Post-baccalaureate NCFD or Graduate

EDA 520     Community Action: Detroit     3 Credit Hours

Using the Detroit Metropolitan region as a case study, students will examine the local history of different types of community organization-grassroots citizen action groups, non-profit social service agencies, issue coalitions, and government-sponsored councils-as a way of understanding the concepts of self-interest, power, institutional change, community control, and leadership. The class will examine how history, ecology, culture, economics and indiviuals working in groups shape communities including Detroit. Through this examination, students will develop the understanding and skills needed to act as collaborators and leaders in the community working with different organizations to help empower citizens and affect social change. (YR)

EDA 521     Comm Based Edu Seminar     1 Credit Hour

This seminar is designed to support students pursuing the MA in Community Based Education. By developing an extended learning community the course will help students build connections between theory and practice by hosting regular research talks with local experts and professionals in the field. It will also support students in developing essential skills that will help them be successful in the field such as responding to an RFP, developing a conference proposal, writing for publication, and preparing a proposal for a foundation. (F) (W)

EDA 530     Loc Govt for Teach/Admin     1 to 3 Credit Hours

At the seminar, teachers participate in interactive learning activities with local government staff members. Officials serve as resource people, not lecturers. Teachers experience each lesson through the eyes of their students. All participants provide complete lesson plans for each activity, making it easy to share favorites from the course/academy with colleagues. Teachers work on developing coordinated learning experiences in local government including field trips, case studies and class visitations drawn from both school district and local government resource-bases.

Can enroll if Class is Post-baccalaureate Cert only or Post-baccalaureate NCFD or Graduate

EDA 550     Hist/Theory of Bilingual Educ     2 to 3 Credit Hours

This course provides an extensive background on bilingual education (programs where two languages are used as media of instruction) in the United States, and events that led to the inception of such programs on the Federal as well as the State levels. The course provides a background on the concept itself, its rationale and implementation. (OC)

Can enroll if Class is Graduate

EDA 555     Lang,Clture,Litrcy&Power in Ed     3 Credit Hours

During this course we will examine the social/cultural functions of language with an emphasis on schools and other applied educational settings. Through our readings, discussions, and class activities, students will gains a greater appreciation for the ways in which language varies across cultures, social settings, and situations.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Cannot enroll if Level is

EDA 571     Reading Models and Methods     3 Credit Hours

This course will acquaint you with the theory, methods, materials, and research related to the teaching of reading and language arts in the elementary grades: Literacy Learning Environments, Culturally Responsive Practices in Literacy, Literacy Curriculum Design and Assessment, Overall Literacy, Motivation and Engagement, Print Concepts, Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Spelling, Word Recognition, Syntax, Reading Fluency, Vocabulary, Comprehension, Literacy Learning Environments, and Speaking and Listening. It is essential that everyone participate in all aspects of the course so that we can develop a shared knowledge and understanding of the important issues in literacy theory and classroom practice. (F, W).

EDA 610     Seminar in Critical Pedagogy     3 Credit Hours

This course will engage students in an in-depth study of pedagogy and will allow for the examination their own disciplines through a critical theory lens. Students will be expected to problematize their disciplines core tenets and consider teaching for today's urban/metropolitan schools and curriculum.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Cannot enroll if Level is Undergraduate

EDA 620     Public Pedagogy     3 Credit Hours

This course examines the out-of-school spaces and experiences in an effort to revision our understanding of what counts as education. Participants will complete case studies of the physical, social, and political places inhabited by the people in Detroit and the surrounding communities as a source for reimaging teaching and learning in ways that connect the school and the community to empower students, teachers and the community to create educative experiences that cultivate their own agency in the community.

Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or or Specialist or Graduate or Rackham

EDA 655     Lang,Cultre,Litrcy&Power in Ed     3 Credit Hours

During this course we will examine the social/cultural functions of language with an emphasis on schools and other applied educational settings. Through our readings, discussions, and class activities, students will gains a greater appreciation for the ways in which language varies across cultures, social settings, and situations.

Can enroll if Class is Graduate
Cannot enroll if Level is

EDA 701     Adv Social Founds of Educ     3 Credit Hours

This advanced seminar will investigate various aspects of formal education taking into account historical, philosophical, political, social, cultural, religious and economic contexts. Within these contexts, the course will identify and examine school reform and change issues and trends as they relate to complex and rapidly changing local, national and global society.

Can enroll if Class is Specialist or Doctorate

EDA 725     Seminar in Metropolitan Educ     3 Credit Hours

This seminar will take a social justice approach and systems analysis in viewing educational issues relevant to Metropolitan/Urban areas. It aims to understand education and schooling through a critical examination of the unequal power dynamics in society and offers alternatives.

Cannot enroll if Class is
Can enroll if Level is Specialist or or Graduate or Doctorate

EDA 750     History/Theory Bilingual Ed     2 or 3 Credit Hours

This course provides an extensive background on bilingual education (programs where two languages are used as media of instruction) in the United States, and events that led to the inception of such programs on the Federal as well as the State levels. The course provides a background on the concept itself, its rationale and implementation. (OC)

Can enroll if Class is Specialist or Doctorate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services

EDA 810     Seminar in Critical Pedagogy     3 Credit Hours

This course will engage students in an in-depth study of pedagogy and will allow for the examination their own disciplines through a critical theory lens. Students will be expected to problematize their disciplines core tenets and consider teaching for today's urban/metropolitan schools and curriculum.

Can enroll if Class is Specialist or Doctorate
Cannot enroll if Level is Undergraduate

EDA 820     Public Pedagogy     3 Credit Hours

This course examines the out-of-school spaces and experiences in an effort to revision our understanding of what counts as education. Participants will complete case studies of the physical, social, and political places inhabited by the people in Detroit and the surrounding communities as a source for reimaging teaching and learning in ways that connect the school and the community to empower students, teachers and the community to create educative experiences that cultivate their own agency in the community.

Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or or Specialist or Graduate or Rackham

EDA 855     Lang,Cultre,Litrcy,Power in Ed     3 Credit Hours

During this course we will examine the social/cultural functions of language with an emphasis on schools and other applied educational settings. Through our readings, discussions, and class activities, students will gains a greater appreciation for the ways in which language varies across cultures, social settings, and situations.

Can enroll if Class is Specialist or Doctorate
Can enroll if College is Education, Health, and Human Services

*An asterisk denotes that a course may be taken concurrently.

Frequency of Offering

The following abbreviations are used to denote the frequency of offering: (F) fall term; (W) winter term; (S) summer term; (F, W) fall and winter terms; (YR) once a year; (AY) alternating years; (OC) offered occasionally