Materials Science and Engineering

The master’s degree in materials science and engineering is a 30-credit-hour program designed to prepare students in an area of rapid growth and profound impact on society. The curriculum consists of courses designed to provide a comprehensive background in fundamentals of materials science and advanced engineering applications, including applications to automotive technology. The courses are 3 credit hours and most are offered in the evening from 6:00 to 8:45 p.m. and available in the remote-access mode. A thesis option is available. 

The program can be completed entirely on campus, entirely online, or as a combination of on-campus, online and hybrid courses.


To maintain satisfactory academic standing, students must earn a C or better in every graduate course to be credited toward the degree requirements. In addition, students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Required Core Course:
ME 518Advanced Engineering Analysis3
Material Science and Engineering Elective Courses:
Select 21-24 credits from the following:
ME 523Sustainability Science and Engineering3
ME 555Computational Uncertainty Quantification for Engineering Applications3
ME 556Stress and Strength Considerations in Design3
ME 558Fracture and Fatigue Considerations in Design3
ME 559Battery Materials, Manufacturing and Recycling3
ME 568Computational Materials Design3
ME 580Advanced Engineering Materials3
ME 583Mechanical Behavior of Materials3
ME 585Cast Metals in Engineering Design3
ME 586Materials Consideration in Manufacturing3
ME 589Composite Materials3
ME 591Degradation of Materials3
ME 593Powder Materials & Processing3
ME 595Digital Manufacturing3
ME 611Modeling of Engineering Materials3
BENG 521Biomatls and Biochem Interface3
BENG 560Nanobiosystems Engineering3
BENG 575Regenerative Engineering3
AENG 581Materials Sel in Auto Design3
AENG 584Lightweight Automotive Alloys3
AENG 650Analysis and Design for Vehicle Crashworthiness3
ECE 502Electromag Theory & Simul3
ECE 539Production of Elec Prods3
IMSE 504Metal Forming Processes3
MTSE 501Materials Thermodynamics and Kinetics3
or ME 566 Materials Thermodynamics and Kinetics
MTSE 502Introduction to Materials Characterization3
or ME 569 Introduction to Materials Characterization
MTSE 600Study or Research in Selected Materials Engineering Topics1-3
MTSE 699Master's Thesis1-6

Cognate Elective Courses (3 to 6 credit hours):

  • Required: One graduate level course from CECS (excluding ME 518, MTSE elective courses, ENGR 500, and ENGR 501), CASL, CEHHS, or COB
  • Optional: One graduate-level course from CECS (excluding ME 518, MTSE elective courses, ENGR 500, and ENGR 501) or natural sciences (BIOL, CHEM, ESCI, ENST, MICR, PHYS)

The thesis option may be elected with the approval of the Materials Science and Engineering graduate program committee. It will count for six (6) credit hours of coursework, replacing two courses in the Materials Science and Engineering electives area.

Learning Goals

  1. A strong background in fundamentals of engineering and materials science, and a comprehensive knowledge of the latest technologies in the Materials Science and Engineering field, which extends beyond the undergraduate experience.
  2. The ability to formulate, analyze and solve advanced multidisciplinary MaterialsScience and Engineering problems.
  3. The ability to apply the latest scientific and technological advancements, advanced techniques, and modern engineering tools in their professional endeavors.