Energy Systems and Sustainability Engineering

The MSE in Energy Systems and Sustainability Engineering (ESSE) program offered through the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department is designed to provide systems-based knowledge in energy systems and sustainability through five core courses and in-depth knowledge from two concentration areas (energy systems concentration and sustainability concentration). The core courses deal with sustainable energy sources, energy generation, energy storage, energy and environmental policies, and distributed power systems. The concentration courses can be selected from a range of courses offered in two concentration areas (1. energy systems, 2. sustainability). In addition, students need to fulfill the professional elective requirement (6 credit hours) in two ways: by selecting a thesis option or by taking two CECS graduate courses.

The degree requirement for this program consists of a minimum of 30 graduate-level semester credit hours (beyond an undergraduate degree from an accredited engineering program) with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4-point scale). Courses in which grades of C- or below have been earned cannot be used to fulfill degree requirements.  Students may be placed on probation if their cumulative GPA falls below 3.0.  A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required to be eligible to receive the MSE (ESSE) degree.

This program can be completed fully online, in person, or a combination of both.

The proposed curriculum requires 30 credit hours of graduate studies to complete the program. 

All ESSE students are required to take three core courses (9 credit hours):

I. Core Courses (9 credits)
Select three courses from the following:
ESE 500Sustainable Energy Systems3
ESE 501Energy Conversion3
ESE 502Energy Storage Systems3
ESE 505Ecosystem Engineering and Management3
ESE 510Sustainability Science and Engineering3

II Concentration Courses (15 credits)

The program has two concentration areas (Concentration 1: Energy Systems;  Concentration 2: Sustainability). Each student must declare a concentration based on his/her interests and background and students need to elect at least four courses from their selected concentration area. If only four courses are elected from the selected concentration, the fifth can be any course in another concentration or a core course that is not elected for the core requirement. 

III Professional Electives (6 Credits)

Students may complete the professional elective requirements in two ways:

Option 1: Thesis - Work under the supervision of a faculty advisor; It will count for six (6) credit hours of graduate coursework and will extend for at least two terms.
ESE 699Master's Thesis6
Option 2: Additional CECS Courses
Take two additional CECS graduate courses (any CECS graduate level courses excluding ENGR 500/ENGR 501, 6 credits).6


Students must declare one on the following concentrations:

Energy Systems Concentration 

15 credit hours required

Concentration Courses
Energy Systems Courses - Select a minimum of four courses from the following:
AENG 576Battery Systems, Modeling, and Control3
ECE 517Adv Pwr Electrncs&Motor Drvs3
ECE 519Adv Topics in EMC3
ECE 542Intr to Pwr Mgmt & Reliability3
ECE 615Advanced Power Electronics3
ECE 616Advanced Topics in Power Sys3
ECE 618Advanced Grid Protection3
ECE 5421Grid Communication and System3
ECE 5422Grid Protection3
ECE 5424Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Power Systems3
ME 592Fundamentals of Fuel Cells3
If only four courses are elected from the above concentration list, the fifth can be any course from the following list or a core course that is not elected for the core requirement.
AENG/ME/ESE 578Advanced Vehicle Energy Systems3
BIOL 522Conservation Biology3
CHEM 548Environmental Chemistry3
ESCI 574Watershed Analysis3
ESE 503Energy Policy, Econ & Environ3
ESE 504Energy Eval/Risk&Optimization3
IMSE 5205Eng Risk-Benefit Analysis3
ME 598Engine Emissions3
Core Course List
ESE 500Sustainable Energy Systems3
ESE 501Energy Conversion3
ESE 502Energy Storage Systems3
ESE 505Ecosystem Engineering and Management3
ESE 510Sustainability Science and Engineering3

Sustainability Concentration

15 credit hours required

Concentration Courses
Sustainability Courses - Select a minimum of four courses from the following:
AENG/ME/ESE 578Advanced Vehicle Energy Systems3
BIOL 522Conservation Biology3
CHEM 548Environmental Chemistry3
ESCI 574Watershed Analysis3
ESE 503Energy Policy, Econ & Environ3
ESE 504Energy Eval/Risk&Optimization3
IMSE 5205Eng Risk-Benefit Analysis3
ME 598Engine Emissions3
If only four courses are elected from the above concentration list, the fifth can be any course from the following list or a core course that is not elected for the core requirement.
AENG 576Battery Systems, Modeling, and Control3
ECE 517Adv Pwr Electrncs&Motor Drvs3
ECE 519Adv Topics in EMC3
ECE 542Intr to Pwr Mgmt & Reliability3
ECE 615Advanced Power Electronics3
ECE 616Advanced Topics in Power Sys3
ECE 618Advanced Grid Protection3
ECE 5421Grid Communication and System3
ECE 5422Grid Protection3
ECE 5424Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Power Systems3
ME 592Fundamentals of Fuel Cells3
Core Course List
ESE 500Sustainable Energy Systems3
ESE 501Energy Conversion3
ESE 502Energy Storage Systems3
ESE 505Ecosystem Engineering and Management3
ESE 510Sustainability Science and Engineering3