Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Option

I. Core Courses

The core sequence provides continuity and integration for all programs. Ideas of policy, change, growth and diversity are developed in the following courses.

EDA 501Adv Social Fndations of Ed3
EDK 500Intro to Research in Education3
EDC 505Learning Theories and Practices3
or EDC 560 Rdg:Diag/Assessment Tech K-12
Total Credit Hours9

 Students are strongly encouraged to elect at least one core class during the first year of work. Completion of all core classes is recommended within the first 20 credit hours. All core classes must be elected on the UM-Dearborn campus.

II. Professional Studies

EDA 555Lang,Clture,Litrcy&Power in Ed3
EDC 555Assessment for Second Language Learning PreK-123
EDC 590Litrcy Instr & Assess for Els3
EDD 549Tchng English as Second Lang3
LING 576Sociolinguistics3
LING 574Second Lang Acquisition: Engl3
LING 580Concepts in Linguistics3
or LING 561 Modern English Grammar
Total Credit Hours21