Student-Athlete Class Policy
Faculty will support student-athletes academically when they are absent from class while participating in scheduled intercollegiate competitions and related travel. These are University sponsored and University-sanctioned events, approved by the Faculty Senate. The University recognizes these competition related absences as “officially excused”. This policy only applies to competitions and not to practices.
Faculty will work with student-athletes to find reasonable accommodations to make up coursework missed during intercollegiate competitions at which they are representing the University. During the first week of classes, student-athletes will inform faculty, in person and through a letter from the Department of Athletics & Recreation, of the dates they will be missing class due to their participation in intercollegiate competitions (not practices). The Department of Athletics & Recreation will make every attempt to not schedule competitions during final exam weeks unless mandated by the conference.
Occasionally, modifications to intercollegiate competition schedules may need to be made due to inclement weather conditions or other extenuating circumstances. It is the responsibility of the student-athlete to notify the faculty member of any changes to that schedule immediately through an official letter from the Department of Athletics & Recreation.
Student-athletes will be responsible for submitting all assignments on time (or early) and advance arrangements will be initiated by the student-athlete for any assignments, quizzes, or exams that will be missed due to competition or competition-related travel. Faculty have the prerogative of allowing the student-athlete(s) to submit assignments, take quizzes, or complete exams after the due date. This should be negotiated between the student-athlete and instructor before the absence.
Practices are never cause for excused absences. If faculty have any doubt about how to handle a particular absence, or any other questions, they should contact Eric Stark, Academic/Life Skills Coordinator. The FAR liaises between the faculty and the Department of Athletics & Recreation to make sure that academic integrity is being upheld.
Student-athletes who believe that they have received a lack of reasonable accommodation of the provisions of this class policy by a faculty member may appeal to the appropriate Chair or Director, and then to the Dean, and then to the Provost after attempting to resolve directly with their instructor.
Faculty who have questions about the application of these statements may contact the Faculty Athletics Representative or the Department of Athletics & Recreation.