START: Student Advising and Resource Team

The Student Advising & Resource Team (START) consists of New Student Advising (also known as START Advising), Peer Advising Learning & Success (PALS), and Health Professions Advising (HPA). 

The START Office is dedicated to helping students make a seamless transition to the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Students receive advising with START Advising beginning at orientation. Students will transition from START Advising to their academic unit's advising office on an individual basis depending on their academic progress.

Additionally, START is home to Health Professions Advising and Peer Advising Leadership and Success. Health Professions Advising (HPA) supports students in their journey as they prepare to apply for health professions graduate programs. Peer Advising Leadership and Success (PALS) are current students providing peer academic success coaching to other students. Both of these programs assist new and continuing students.